Small Accident + Need Advice For a Friend ...

a friend of mine is leasing a car and she got into a small accident the other day. she backed up into a friends car and put a small hole in her rear bumper, about the size of a quarter, maybe a little bigger. she plans on getting it fixed (replacing the bumper and getting the new one painted), but a friend of hers told her that all of the parts on the car MUST BE the original ones that came on the car. otherwise, she will be pentalized and have to pay the dealership money. she was also told that every part has a number on it, which the dealership looks at once the car is tuned in after the lease. is this true? what advice would you guys give her? thanks for your help …

Just get it fixed right. The dealership will not pull the bumper off to check a part number if they have no reason to look. They look for dents, dings, scratches, tires, rips in the interior, stains and mileage. They don’t tear cars apart that look 100% factory to make sure an OEM replacement bumper skin might have been put on.

exactly. you don’t get penalized for fixing the car out of your own pocket.

that is all bs. just get it fixed and nobody will no any differntlly

the friend that said thats a fucking retard

the car simply has to be in nice codition when returned, the parts dont have to be the original ones

and bumpers dont always have vin tags on them… those tags are on there for theft, not for insuringthat a lease turn in is still fully stock

and on teh assembly line, its not always possible to put a vin sticker on the bumper, sheet metal panels are easy to tag like that because all the sheet metal is painted at the same time, so they can be tagged all at the same time also

bumpers however are painted seperate and added at the very end of the line, and the bumpers are just taken from a rack of bumpers that are the proper color, tagging them would require to much extra work

Yeah just get it fixed right. A friend of mine got into an accident with a leased car and had Z3 fenders put on. That’s a big no-no when your leasing. Especially when you go to turn it back in. They penalize you big time!!

thanks for your advice guys. i’ll def let her know what she has to do

my advice to her would be to quit being a dumb broad. and… you’re welcome.

she will be fine

sounds like a perfect job for bonacci. ill give him a call this week about it. he likes doing the little jobs.

most dealerships give the car a quick visual inspection…some are nit picky but most leases go right to auction anyway and they dont care

sounds like she wants to pocket some of that wasted money. bondo that shit, spray it and turn it in after dusk…they wont see it :wink:

nah she doesnt want to pocket any cash, she just doesnt want to get penalitized by the dealership. I dont know if it’ll be able to be bondoed. however, the part of the bumper where the hole is is still connected on one side. Everything is still there …

yeah I was thinking about asking you if you could please ask Bonacci if he could do it. LMK. Thanks!

I can repair it, it will be a quality repair and you will never know it was there. I will need to see the car first before I give a quote or anything, if you want to contact me, my names anthony, pm me for my number.

if its the size of a quarter dont even bother fixing it.

I have turned in leases with dents, dings, scrapes and they dont care…like said…they usually go right to auction. Let someone else deal with it

When I worked for Ford, they allowed something like $1500 in damage without penalty on the lease turn-ins. They would look for decent sized dents and such. The lady who inspected the cars said they hardly ever charge anyone out-of pocket expenses. The “iffy” cars would go to the bodyshop to get an estimate done. For example a guy was off-roading his step-side F-150 and he sideswiped a tree, destroying the fiberglass bedside.:smiley: Vin #s on bumpers? Hell no. Either the owner of the car is stupid or she wants some cash in her pocket.

she really needs an allignment again, since they never really fixed it before when she took it in :tdown: to jim ball and it’s covered under warranty if she goes there. would she be able to take the car to the dealership and have no problems because of her bumper?

no, they will take a note of it and then check it again later when the car gets turned in. avoid it at ALL costs. deal with the bad alignment until its fixed

they wont care, as long as its fixed before its turned in

all sorts of shit happens to cars, including leases, and its only a prob if its returned that way

There’s a lesson in this:

In life, there are things that are “supposed” to happen, and then there is what “does” happen. The people on the other side of the counter are just like you and me. Would you want to go through the entire car with a magnifying glass and do the paperwork for every little ding? You screw the people that are jerks, and let the nice ones go. Especially if they have tits. And that is exactly what will happen to your friend.