So I have a friend who goes thought verizon for his pizzeria phone lines. We have a total of 5 lines. 3 for orders one personal and one that is only used for the CC machine. What other options are out there for a business besides Verizon. The bill is never constant and they always offer credits that just disappear and never go onto the account. What other options are out there?
Lets see how many faggots chime in…
You should go voip, it will make your cc machine faster as well as provide a flat rate billing.
Posted from tapatalk
Could go Skype.
Anyone have options they use? Or reccomend a company to email/ call?
Going VoIP will require his CC machine to either need a VoIP adapter which is very unstable or have to buy another one that uses the internet.
With 5 phones, it really depends on how much tinkering you want to do. What is your up/down internet connection? Do you have computer cables where you want all your phones?
The most simple solution if you have only 4 office phones and a CC machine is keep an analog line for the CC machine unless you want to migrate to something such as and use an iPod/iPhone to swipe cards but their fees are higher than a standard payment gateway. The benefit tho is you don’t need to have an analog line. If you decide to keep your current system, keep one analog line for your CC machine ~ $30 and then have the rest of your phones be VoIP ones connected to a remote hosted PBX.
I do this professionally so let me know if you want me to talk more with you.
thank you boxxa for a real answer. right now the internet is just Verizon dsl but like i said they have screwed him over so much he has no attachment to them and will switch to whatever suites his needs. and we run way to many CC a day to pay higher fee’s, most days between pick up orders and deliveries we have 50+ CC transactions. all 4 phone likes are within a 10 foot space so getting cables to them is simple. if you could PM or post here some more info on some decent VoIP or recommend someone for him to talk to directly that would be great.
You will need to look up business class internet (FIOS if its available in your area or TW business class). DSL is notorious for having slow uploads and since audio is two way, you will run into all kinds of problems after 1 phone call.
Once you get that situated, I have used RingCentral for a while and have had no issues. If you buy Polycom or Cisco IP phones with them, they can auto setup so really limited and have some cool features like fax to email and stuff. Just takes a little bit to get everything setup with your lines and porting your existing numbers over to their system.
OnSip I have heard good things about but I have no info on.
He can always email me too if he wants to work directly or a quote to implement everything from start to finish.
We use RS Lang for our 4 locations. Very happy with the customer service.
You could try local VoIP companies like Hover( or Vaspian tell them Justin sent you lol or at least quote them to see if its worth it.
thank you, me and justin have been in contact and hovernetworks will be calling us today
or iEvolve.
I wouldn’t call I-Evolve they suck :lol:
I’m friends with the people at Vaspian/Hover I have no idea of their pricing but if you guys are not technical it might be worth it to use a 3rd party company.
we talked to Justin’s brother on friday and he is currently crunching numbers. seems like a great company hope it works out