Small dogs make the best guard dogs.

Moral of the story should be “I’m a dumbass, and leave expensive shit in my car.”

LOL apparently these guys didnt know how to turn off dome lights.

Nice job making them piss themselves! :bigtup:

My dog barks at anything that is happening out side. Classic story of boy who cried woof, he barks so much that I probably would have brushed it off. Although he does have different barks, play, god damm fucking squirrel, and holy shit hes pissed.

Who needs a dog when you wake up at the slightest noise yourself. I confronted a guy garbage picking my neighbors garbage at 3am.

I think my pitbull would bark, he usually barks at everyone when the front door is open and we use the screen door. I don’t know if he would wake up from a deep sleep though.

amen. Id make them shit their pants. FOR SURE. If not, theyd sure as hell be running.

So, new thread… “some punk kids out ran me, i need to get in better shape” How much effort did you put into pursuing them? did you get a good description?

My Pit bull very rarely barks, so when she does I know not to take it lightly. If it’s a weird time and I can’t immediately figure out what she’s barking at, I check it out. And she would almost definitely attack a stranger that came into the house and was aggressive towards her. I certainly never intended for her to be a guard dog, but she makes a very good one.

I want to move near you. Impressive hearing! :slight_smile:

My dog has two distinct levels of bark. He’s got a half assed “whuff” he does when someone is walking by on the sidewalk, then he has his batshit crazy, I’m going through the window in a second bark he does when someone he doesn’t know comes up the driveway. A month or so ago he did the later and in the 3-4 seconds it takes me to punch in the code in the keypad gunsafe I keep in the nightstand my brain remembered my wife had renewed our sub to the Buffalo News Sunday edition. That could have been an awkward hello to the paperboy. If I came out and saw the lights on in my truck someone would be held at gunpoint until APD showed up (which is about 45 seconds to a minute based on the time I called about smoke in my house).

blah blah blah, standard nyspeed you shouldnt have nice things response.

sidenote: we need beer.

Maybe you should move to the city of Buffalo where its safe :slight_smile:


Littering and…

Littering and…


If your going to attack random thiefs…

wear a disguise so they cannot identify you

^I’ve got one of these in the front closet left over from halloween


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Post these on all your doors:

Then get one of these:

I’m drinking a winter lager.

Yea because you can shoot people outside of your house in NY…this isn’t Texas.