smart people forums

are there any?

i just realised that most of the people on the forums i visit, nyspeed included, are retarded and i’m getting stupider reading most of it.

are there forums where people get together and talk about interesting things intelligently?

like not even cars, just you know… interesting things.

and yes i am already registered on stormfront. :wink:

Good question. I am sick of the car forum melon heads myself.

seriously!? goood thread

Not too much of a forum, really. But lots to discuss and comment on.

though i suppose you would need to be pretty into healthcare. i have really never met such a thoughtful and well behaved forum. no offense nySPEED. very civil and very smart.

So, there is this plane on a treadmill…

…but does it take off?

Heh. Not on the internet. To broad of an audience that doesn’t have to be earned.

That’s the fundamental problem. Throughout history you have to gradually prove that you’re worth listening to before the audience this big…

so many good facts in there…


I almost spit my fucking food out. thanks

Usually if I need to catch up on some new events and read some pretty solid debates, I check out

When someone makes a post, they usually include factual references, pictures, and heavy knowledge on the subject.

hey /b/ i accidentally 93mb of rar files what should i do? is this dangerous??

I too dream of a place with sentence structure and proper capitalization.

Smart people don’t waster their time on internet forums lol…

oops :frowning:

Im not sure whats on here, but it drove the firewall at work crazy

