Smartphones comparison side by side

Fucking hate that map, it’s such BS. Verizon 3G is different that AT&T 3G

Here is the AT&T EDGE data map:

i still see more red.

I have to say Verizons commercial with the kid watching football is pretty funny:


W00t, my first +rep :rofl

Any of these phones will store a females number-concentrate on that:)

Palm pre sucks ass. Ilya, I don’t care what numbers you put together. On a functional level the phone is hopeless. The speaker, service, interface, apps, build quality, storage space, and speed are all beyond awful.

AT&Ts Edge Network is their Voice network similar to Verizons “1X” network. This is the network all voice calls/non picture texts go through.

Not even close. Please try again.

EDIT: I’m not going to bother. What do I care if everyone but me on Shift518 hates the Pre? Lol. I am very happy with mine and after using the iPhone and Droid, I don’t see how it’s any worse or better. They all bring different things to the table. Suit yourself, I couldn’t care less. I’m one of the happy people when it comes to Sprints service/customer service and Palms first smart phone. Palm’s done a great job standing behind the homebrew community and listening.

your phone suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkks

No one cares what phone you prefer.

Okay first off, I never got into a hardware battle, most smartphones share internals as well, thats how it goes, Im aware that the iphone/pre and a few other phoens share the same processors/memory chips etc…

WHy were bashing it has nothing to do with the hardware inside the phone, your making an argument that never existed in the first place.

The pre’s design is horrible, everyone I know except a few who have pikced it up and used it dident like it, its small and dinkey feeling. The buttons feel horrible, and the phone feels like the 6 dollar toy camera phone I bought for my daughter cause it makes cool noises.

WebOS as it stands right now is a Piece of shit. Palm was way late in teh game in allowing any sort of customization and for the average phone user no one wants go outside the realm of palm, they dont want to download this 3rd party app store bullshit.

The pixi or whatever its called looks horrible, its extremely cheap looking and mine as well be a pre without the slide out keyboard…

It’s great you like your pre and it works for you, i dont think any less of you for owning one, to each his own. You can sit there and back the Pre up all you want, there way to late in the game right now and unless they come out with someone serious there going to remain in the back of the pack when it comes to smartphones.

am i an iphone fanboi? no, I just like the iphone for what it is, nicely styled, smooth clean interface… tons of applications for mutliple things and anyone can used one with ease, even my dad could figure and iphone out… thats impressive.

I’ve been a big fan of android since day 1 of its release, its just unfortunate it was on a dumpy carrier like t-mobile… I was going to get the G1 originaly but due to lack of hardly any 3G around here I stayed away from it.

Since the eres and Droid came out thou its opened up a lot more people to android and its capabilities, on top of that they put it on a serious phone.

The iphone and droid are going to be doing some serious battle over the next year and maybe years to come, im sure apples going to step up their game a bit, and im still really anxious to see where the iphone and android platforms go…

As far as the pre, its goign to be standing in the shadows

Nerd war!

My phone works substantially more often than my AT&T friends’ do nationwide. That’s all that matters. BAM!

And Verizon is bringing the pain in the future with 4G. AT&T left in the dizzust. BAM!

Ask Pete/Sean who had service/3G when we went snowboarding at Jiminy. Hint: it wasn’t the iPhone fanboiz!

Neg rep

Actuallu I did have service cause stallmer texted me

reply to this now fanboi lol. I hope you’re freezing your ass off in Lake Placid. :rofl

I concur

Iyla, I want you to do this test:

and try and get a video of you doing it.

I’m not going to do it, because like all pre apps its a buck for just a stupid “sketch” app.