Nexus One is made by HTC; Google only spec the components. A question was asked during the press conference yeaterday and Google reaffirmed that they will not made hardware themselves and will always only work with partners in that respect.
DROID, is the name of the phone itself made by motorola
ANDROID, is the platform that it runs on and what the nexus will run on etc…
They use the Android platform. It’s like Windows. Dell, HP, IBM all use it.
Thanks for that correction.
all this article is for is comparing plan pricing btw.
Exactly. It’s not even an up to date article. It makes the iPhone look the best, when in reality, the Droid is.
Ah I was wondering, it has HTC styling. It’s not compatible with ATT 3G yet, when it does I’ll pick it up!
My map > your map
As of jan 4:
Dispite the nexus one having a faster processor and more ram then iPhone it still is glitchy and slower. Please see the vid in that review, quite humorous if you ask me.
I love all you tools hating on iPhone when in reality these other competitors are only now cathing up after what…2 years?
Also, I am not one bit hating on the android platform because I may find myself picking up Sony Ericssons Xperia X10.
Yup totally gonna dump the iphone when I can afford the xperia
There is rumor that the X10 will be available through AT&T which would be good for them. Not many people want to put up close to $1000 for a phone.
just to throw this out there…the nexus one is not programmed to run on AT&Ts 3g network, only 2g…fail
They probably don’t want it interfering with AT&T’s precious iPhone. If someone wants AT&T + 3G, they’ll have to get an iPhone.
IDK, its a hardware thing. The nexus phone only supports 3G type speed outside of the US I think, different frequency/channels.
iphone for the :gay lol
^Truth, +rep
You know what’s even funnier? People (Shady and K20) bashing the Palm Pre not realizing that the iPhone and Palm Pre have almost the EXACT same hardware…(or at least it doesn’t seem like Shady/K20 knows this)
Wait what?!?
- Both the iPhone 3GS and the Palm Pre share the very same Cortex A8 processor, running at (almost) the same speed. iPhone uses Objective-C, which is very similar to C++.
What does that mean?
- It means that thanks to the new PDK, it should be a trivial task to port any of the thousand iPhone applications over to the Pre in a matter of weeks.
- But that’s not all. Both of them also feature a PowerVR SGX GPU. Even though the iPhone one has almost twice the power ( SGX535 -> 28 MPolys/s vs SGX530 -> 14 MPolys/s ), the architecture is the same.
- Plus, compiled C is the fastest thing you can get. Compare that to the simplest JS app you can get.
Finally, guess who’s using exactly the same combo? The great Motorola Droid.
See where I’m going? The iPhone was just passed by the Pre/Droid in my mind (since it was completely opened up to Devs) due to the fact that Apples OS still can’t do half the shit that Android and WebOS do.
The only thing that Apple has on Palm is a better made product (quality). That’s it. Oh and more apps (which is about to change, QUICK).
Also, Shady, if the Palm Pre was such a pile of shit as you suggest…why on earth would AT&T AND Verizon announce at their CES shows that they are getting Palm phones (obviously the Pre and Pixi). You know why? Because WebOS is a VERY good platform with a LOT of potential. Far more than anything Apple has on the iPhone right now.
Fact of the matter is…the Droid is the BEST phone right now. Period. But when it comes to the rest (iPhone/Pre/N1) they are all on the same playing field and the iPhone is slowly losing ground.
The Pre is using the newest OS, had it’s SDK released WAY later than Android and Apple, and is about to start doing some work.
Call me stupid all you want, but I’m not giving up on a company that just joined the game (amongst these phones - I’m not talking about Treo’s, etc.) Obviously Android and Apple have a foothold in the market because they’ve been around for years. I don’t bounce around from phone to phone. I’m patient, and from the day I got my Pre until now, Palm has put a lot of work into it. And the Homebrew community is great.
has the android platform been out for years? i thought it was released earlier this year. not being an asshole, just trying to figure this out :thumbup
Android SDK (0.9), according to the Wiki I viewed, was released on 8-18-08. So that still gives it a significant jump on WebOS. Sorry…I grouped them in the same sentence lol.
The WebOS SDK was released in July of 2009 and the full-blown release was yesterday from what I can gather (from July until now, some functions were still not released).
iPhone SDK: March 6th, 2008
Android SDK: August 18th, 2008
Palm WebOS SDK: July 20th, 2009
Droid whatsuuuuupppppp
AT&T is supposedly already under contract to get five Android based phones in the next year or so, which would be in direct competition to the Iphone.
As mentioned previously Android is the operating system and Droid is phone but all Verizon phones running Android OS will also have the name droid in front of whatever the real name of the phone is, ie the Droid Eris