Smelly Saab, smelly Saab?

The clutch is fukcing fine!!

I could somewhat understand if you people flamed someone who wasnt admitting to somethign bad that they were doing or for talkign upto someone who knew their shit.

But I asked for advice, got the answer, admitted what i was doing wrong, and you FUKCHEADS keep going with your shit!

Dude… relax…

Now you know, just reeelllaaaxxx…

I am fukcing relaxed man. But i still speak my mind, i dont care what the fukc people think. I dont need to ‘KNOW’ anything. People should know how to treat other people whether it be in person or over the internet. Do people just have no sence of decency and kindness anymore.

So i made a mistake and said half shifting when i meant to say half clutching, and EVEN if that is wrong too, who cares. Point out my mistake, there is no fukcing need to rub it in my face…

If you’ve had enough of our shit then get the hell off the boards. The last thing we need is another immature teen screwing shit up and whining about being a dumbass.

The ‘bad rep’ we have is not because of how we treat retards on the Internet; it is created by those retards (apparently, such as yourself) who go out and rev their cars around for no reason and attract unneccesary attention. So the next time a pedestrian sees a 240 coming down the road, he will think…oh great, another fanboy with a fartcan.

I dont need to ‘KNOW’ anything. People should know how to treat other people whether it be in person or over the internet. Do people just have no sence of decency and kindness anymore.

Apparently you need to know how to act in a civil manner on the road, and have proper ethics. You will always be treated in the same manner you treat others. Do you think reving an engine at a girl is respectable and decent or kind? If so, then you need a reality check my friend.

The main problem here is not your terminology - ‘half-shifting’, it is your demeanor. And this type of problem is eveident amongst newly licenced teens. The guidelines should be far stricter as far a licensing in Ontario and Canada goes. If it were up to me, testing would actualy be considered that, not just a leasurly drive and a curb-park; and only drivers that exhibit some common sense, skill and maturity should be AWARDED a license.

And remember:




The difference is im willing to admit that im doing something wrong. And for everybody’s sakes i will stop ‘revving’ at girls, which i actually only did maybe once or twice…MAYBE. Just for the peace of mind of ending this garbage. However i do drive smart, and just because i rev a little at stop signs and lights does in NO way label me a dilinquent. Of course i still have things to learn, who doesnt. Knowledge never ends.

I asked a simple question and got a simple answer. That is all i wanted. Not to start beef with anybody, not to get flamed, and not to piss anybody off by any means. I am sorry if i have done that.

A ‘reatrd’ is a very strong word to use, i hope you and everybody know the true meaning of it. If you indeed think someone is mentaly challenged… have them commited.

I dont own a 240sx by the way. And i passed my test with ‘flying colors’ infact, barely anything i did was incorrect. However i agree with you that the licensing standards are sub-par for new licensees.

So next time an old lady sees a Saab, not a 240sx (in my case), cruising down the road, perhaps she will run away.

you commit the mentaly insane not the mentaly challenged.

the only reason people keep posting here and chewing you out is because you keep posting replys. if your sick of people “flamed” then just dont post in this thread anymore.

lol danny,

you should have known better than to post something like that on SON.

Alright. Im done with this site until I get my 240.

Thanks fellas.

lol. Guys, this thread is done. He’s still young and learning the finer points, go easy.