Smelly Saab, smelly Saab?

Hey guys, well i have been cruising around town in my mom’s 2004 Saab 9-3 2.0T. Today something happened though. I was crusising and at stop signs i liek to rev a little if there are some pretty girls walking by, lol, jokes aside (i know they r coming) i reved to about 5000-6000 (redline 7000-9000 i think) and when i shot forward letting the clutch go, i sped up and smelt some disgusting shit coming through the vents from the engine bay. At first i thought it was a bit of tire smoke from the front wheels, but i determined that wasnt the case because i wasnt spinning in 1st everytime the smell came up.
So i could use some help determining if im doing something wrong or that is a normal biproduct smell of a turbocharged car revving high. I should probably add that it wasnt that strong, more faint than anything, but very pungent (spelling?) and it didnt last too long.

Thanks in advance,

you’re burning the clutch.

how about you stop trying to show off in your mommy’s car and get your own


Trev your gay :lol:

I dont know, i just like the sound of the engine revving and roaring and the turbo spooling and hitting max boost then letting off.

I dont think im burning the clutch, i mean i do hold a half shift for a long time sometimes at stops, is that a bad thing?

You’re burning the clutch, learn to drive better.


its b.o!

watch seinfeld, i dont know if jerry was driving a saab, but it turned out to be b.o on account of the valet.

Alright thanks for the advice. I am relatively new to driving. I learned manual when i was 14, and never drove automatic until last year, but i just started driving on my own, so i gotta figure things out for myself. So there is nothing wrong with how hard im pushing it while just on the accelerator eh, thats good to know.

So holding the half-shift is burning the clutch, got it.

Thanks alot Axlerod and turbozee.

Matty, i use deo, and Jerry’s car was a saab…9-2x i believe :wink:

Tell me have you ever picked up a chick doing this?

works on me.

Nice, next time I see you walking downtown and don’t have a date, I will try this.

it was a beamer, funny episode

Sooo SOoooo soooooo coooool…in your moms car give you +10 points… homo

i just do ti for fun guys, say what you like. I enjoy driving the car its pretty fast as it is. I love hearing it rev, and it somewhat worked once, although i didnt pick her up. I wouldnt pick up random girls off the street, i unfortunately am not that desperate.

I also ahve not boght my car yet. I was about to but then found out i couldnt due to lack of space. That will change come spring-time.

Can you explain to us how to do a half shift?

so osad,

“This all soudns good…but kdis today r really very stupid and ignorant and dont care about anything but themselves and daddy’s money. I realize that i am myself a ‘kid’ being 17… but i have nthign in common with these fools for tools. They’ve got gasoline for blood, and nitrous oxide for a brain Wink I will only believe this si working when i see that some action actually will be taken, until then i need proof personally, i dont knwo about the rest fo you.”

i guess you’re one of those stupid and ignorant dont care about anything but themselves and daddy’s money’s kids eh?

OSAD, buddy, you just got shillacked…

BTW your car redlines at around 7k, not 9k…

Unfortunatly, it seems you may actually be that desperate. Actually, when you get to revving your moms SAAB engine to get a girls attention, I’m afraid you may even be in worse situation than ‘that desperate’.

Anyway, we all know they respond better to honking, whistling, and yelling.

I am very interested in this ‘half-shift’, do tell more.

Not exactly. I dont race, i dont speed. I do liek the kick my mom’s car has. Its fun to drive within the limits. But i was AFRAID that i was pushing it too hard. Thats why i asked here. Man people on this sie realy are assholes. I asked for help, you answered and now you flame, not cool dude.

I dont knwo what its called exactly, thats just what i call it. Its what you do in first gear to get the car moving without stalling. I just call it half shifting or half clutching because that is literally what your doing.

Bob, i said 7k-9k, i forgot and was unsure. The tach redline’s at 7k but goes upto 9k.

Mike, i just liek to have fun man, im not desperate. If i WAS desperate i would be honking and whisteling. I dont need or want to pick up girls off the streets.[/quote]

Ive had enough of all of your fukcing people’s shit. Someone asks a questiona nd you all jump on them like phiranas. Axlerod said end of thread, and you all kept it fukcing going. You all ask why you have a bad rep, its not cause you drive these cars. Anybody can appreciate when people have a love for a car. Its when you act like fukcing shitheads towards an individual who is here to learn and when ready make the plunge into this car. Knowledge is the key. Where would you all be without what you know about these and perhaps other cars. Not on here. However, where the fukc would you be if you didnt act up and talk big over your little fukcing keyboards on the internet? Youd be in the same spot…SO WHATS THE FUKCING point of what you are doing?

Please answer me that!


Half-shifting = clutch burning

Holy-Samuel-L-Jackson that clutch has to be toast by now.