Smokes and Customs

Hey i’m bringing some JDM smokes back to Canada for some people. Not much just 3 packs. I have to go to Hong Kong and then to Canada. Whats the best way to bring them over so i dont get shit. Its just 3 packs but where should i put them? Hand carry? On the body? In my suitcase? if its just like 3 packs will customs care?

Does it matter if the box says, “tax exempt for use outside U.S”?

Oh and does age matter? can i just say, “they’re for my dad”

Osad: I got you some balling JDM tyte smokes. With asian words and everything.
Alex: i couldnt get to an up-garage or a nissan dealership so i got you a car faster than your own gt-R… well actually its a little wind up gtr you can mount on your dash.
Dubv: couldnt get a t-shirt so i got you an option dvd cheap and official
Anthony: Option magazine


dont being a pussy about 3 packs. worry when you have more than a carton. I bought 4 cartons from china last time and a buddy of mine’s bro brought a whole suitscase full.

under one carton - hand carry
more than 1 carton - make sure it ends up in the cargo, they do less x-ray and checking.

ok man look you are allowed to bring back 200 ciggarets = 2 cartons of smokes… so dont worry… if theyc atch you with more they will eather make you pay or take them away… canada customs really dosent check your laugage so dont worry u can prob bring back 3 or more 2 in carry on and 2 in suit case… and if you go with somone have them bring more. its easy.


Ya, Tobbacco products are easier as long as it’s under 2 cartons. Keep them on your hand luggage like in some pockets or some shit. Or wrapped in clothes. I usually bring in like 40 boxes of nargila tobbacco whenever I goto Israel and they don’t ask shit.

Just don’t sweat bullets man lol. When you gettin back in man?

I went from rome, to england and then to toronto, with a pack of Malboro reds, in my right jean pocket, everytime i was searched they grabbed the pack, it was mangeled by the time i got to TO. But my point is i was only 16 with Malboro Reds (illegal in Canada) and no one gave a FK.

put the cartons in a silver foil paper than cover it with news paper, and put it between two metal things, if bringing more than 2 cartons.

2 cartons is legally the max ammount.

lol yah so they think he has a pound of crack or somthing lol he will get clobbered and ****ed … dont do that lol

Yo bring back some JDM spray air freshner!

nothing for me cal? :’(
after all those times i didnt do things for you?


bring back some women lol

good call!

JDM tight women for everyone!

^^^ LOL, i see your point, dosen’t seem right the way i said it, i ment generally was that he should put it somewhere in beween the suitcase, between the clothes with lets say, small travelling face mirror on top of the cartons and under it like a hair dryer or something, because when they scan it the other objects stand out very strong as the X-ray attracts metal and reflective object around it.

Anywas it shouldn’t matter cal-soy your perfectly fine with the ammount your bringing, its same with DVD’s and other prohibotory items as long as it looks enough for self use you are fine.(i currently work in the airline industry).

Well after i read that i zipped to convience store and bought another 3 packs. Keeping them all hand carry is okay right?

YES. 2 are for me right :wink: :wink:

Yea course course. And for those of us out there who get some lovin. I got some JDM tyte condoms called “good feeling 500”. th name is the only reason i bought them.

I’d like one of those too please. I don’t get THAT MANY girls. 1 should do for now :slight_smile:

^i want one too just to make my girlfriend laugh at it.

but while your at it bring some greens over. a couple joints shouldnt be that hard to hide.

Cal Bring me some packs and i promise i’ll stop messing around with yur S13’s headlights lolz

and osad, you couldnt get a girl if you met her at a strip club =P haha jkz jkz

^^^ haha, cal, if you can bring me back some smokeroo’s, I’LL stop ****ing around with your cars headlights :R

Cal, bring me some marlboro greens from duty-free shop at the airport and i’ll stop calling your car a pos :smiley:


he’s into that…