damnit its another dodge. the fun would have begun
Mike, at least this time they’re BOTH down!
Hahaha No Mike had to bring another cummins! I was waitin for the duramax to pull in MIKE! Yea its true what they say the Smokin Diesel is a :booty:trailer queen!!!
more like a trailer joker
I was goin to pull that turd back home with my escort
… Thanks Dylan!! …
I wont have a ford tow me … I could deal with a duramax, just because I have a good bit of duramax buddies …
Kurt … YUP … If we keep at this rate we can do our photoshoot together in 2084
I hate cars!
Its a truck … :wtcslap:
… I know what you mean … Not I’m in the same boat as you!!
who me never it wouldnt be bad but i rushed stuff this spring and didnt buy the right parts for the car. but with the few things im buyin this winter it will be in the 9s in 09 baby
your welcome. sorry to hear about the truck… glad that pm made you laugh though
since his is mikes thread i was refering to him
but you should prob do the samething
Oh your PM was the greatest!!! :bigok:
Got the charger pulled … There are metal shaving all through-out my intake & exhaust manifold.
Every single fin is broke/bent. The housing is totally cut into, and metal is actually peeled up like an orange peel in places … The shaft did not break, but the bearings are totally gone. You can grab the impellar and move it around like a rag doll, and when you try and spin it, and just drags horribly.
I took some pictures of the damage, but photobucket is being stupid right now … I will try again tomorrow
Sorry to hear Mike.
Ok … to make a VERY LONG story short …
There was a MAJOR mistake made from the very get-go. I havn’t been running the big turbo that I thought I have been …
The first turbo that came in (I thought was the Silver Bullet 66/74/14) blew up in 700 miles … they warrentied it & gave me a new one. This one (again thinking it was a Silver Bullet 66/74/14) blew up at 1700 miles.
I was fed up … I thought it was the truck … my countless hours of tuning … I was at a total loss.
Turns out that NONE of those turbos were what I ordered and payed for in the begining. The order somehow got misread, or just plain screwed up.
I have been running there smaller “towing” turbo (Silver 62) BOTH times. This explains why turbos wont last on my truck … and while I have been fighting to get this thing to run like it should (ran GREAT … dont get me wrong)
On a bright note … I made 580hp on this little turbo!!!
After a few days, faxes, calls, looking up invoices etc … Industrial called me today and realized thier mistake, and they are building my (the right one this time!!) turbo as I type this, and they are sending it out tonight … on them.
I can’t wait to see what this turbo will do for me!!
hell yea brother cant wait to see the truck back on the road with the big turbo :wackit:
Congrats man… sorry you had to go through all the BS but it should be pure insanity on the ‘big’ turbo!!
Cant wait to ride in the truck with this new turbo! I guess that it will be stayin around for awhile now huh!!??
x2. Curious to see how it runs with a properly sized turbo on it.
I excited to see how I runs myself. Should pull harder and make more power. Its going to move my power band higher (where it should be with this setup) to get full use of the fuel curve. Also explains why it ripped than fell off relativly fast. This “SHOULD” put me into the 600s with ease.