Smokindiesel's 1996 Dodge Cummins 12 Valve

will it be covered? Is it borg warner time yet?

I wish I was lying guff!

Joe … Not sure yet. If it isn’t covered the truck is done for a long time.

damn mike you seem to have luck like me :wtf:

are u ready to cross over yet ?

Gotta have the truck towed from Dylans (ZXGTO06) house to mine somehow … pull the charger, and send it back to industrial … see what happens from there :blah:

Take the 'charger off and send it to I.I. Then let the truck sit for a bit while you take a break from it. It’s easy to get burned-out when this type of stuff happens one after the other. Sometimes you just need to step back and take some time off.

I think your right Mark. If for some reason they dont cover this one … I have no choice but to let it sit for a long time … I dont have another $2100 for another turbo … See how the cookie crumbles I guess

if i had a clean mater,i would tow u!


Hey Mike, took me 20 min to wiggle my bike out past my car and in front of your big honkin truck!!! And no i didnt scratch the big rig.[/IMG]

Sorry for fucking up your driveway Dylan … You need a bigger driveway damnit!!!

Im gonna get that thing out of there as soon as I can …

Im just messin with ya! Take your time no rush! Plus I got some people commin over to see it. I put a for sale sign on the tail gate and im fightin people away!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ill give you 3 grand for it cash.

and mike now you can hang out with brian. two nice trucks that can drive. :stick:

mines drives

Throw a 20k in front of that 3k and you got a deal Mac!!!

:rofl: … We both shave our heads, have trucks that are broke … jeeze :frowning:

basically the same size also:wtf:

dont think i got a chance to post in here yet but just wanted to say nice truck :smiley:

Thanks Laura!! :smiley:

Just got it home and off the trailer. Felt the turbo before I started it and it would barley move … the fins were just jammed against the housing. After feeling it some more … I dont think it broke the shaft, if feels like the exducer wheel is still in there … so that means bearings AGAIN … just a lot worse this time … Wheres those great pictures you took Dylan? :rofl:

Here ya go Mike!![/IMG]


please tell me its a ford that is towing it… please:eek3: