Smoking weed and traveling the globe for pain relief [split]

Good ole Herbal remedies.

who’s the man with the master plan?

An african-american with a weapon.

:rofl @ thread split/title.

Shift518. Never dull/boring.

LOL at people thinking USA is number one in the medical field.

I know most will say tl;dr, but you’re just plain ignorant to think the US is the best at everything. And yes, that’s coming from me, who argues that the US is better than everyone else frequently.

Thank you Cossey. I had a whole rant typed up (yes seriously)…but I thought better of it. And it’s funny cause I wrote in it that I know I’m not alone.

America is a good place for sure when compared to other some other nations…but the best? I think not.

Well, overall, we ARE the best country in the world. Look at immigration statistics. Why would everyone want to come here over any other place else? Besides the fact that we support illegal immigrants like they’re our own, if not better.

So what if the Soviet back doctor tells you that you need surgery too?

People only come here because generally speaking, you have as much of a chance at succeeding at a living as a person born here. The freedoms and that are the two biggest draws. That doesn’t equate to best health, best education, best this or that other thing. It helps, but it doesn’t always equal 100% awesomeness. And I guess you are right, generally speaking, those do outweigh the cons (worse medicine and education systems than in some other parts of the world). It really depends on what ‘variable’ you’re looking at. Of course there will be things that America excels at or is the world leader in. That’s a given.

Well then, sir, I am f’ed cause I have not heard good things about spinal surgery when it comes to fusion of sections of the back.

And again…I am going to see family…but also making plans to get checked out while there. If anything, it’s a partial win-win.

My mother just had that done and she can walk “better” than she was able to before. You should look into it.

I have a couple of people at work who have had it. Eh.

One guy had the exact same issue fixed and the verdict is STILL very much out on that one. Same spots too (L2-L4/5).

Another woman has a good deal of her (edit: lower) back fused and says her flexibility isn’t all that great. No thank you. I’d rather have what I have now (which is flaring up only when lifting or certain ranges of motion).

I don’t even care if I can’t lift for hours on end like I used to (used to be able to help my pops in the garage for hours before back would hurt) or if I couldn’t play basketball for 3hrs straight like I used to. But right now, I’m limited to doing such things in 15 minute spurts before the back flares up and puts me out of commission for an hour.

[/medical history] :lol

Smoke some weed

back pain VAMOOSE

Your gonna blow out your back on your wedding night…


Giggidy? :lol

So I typed something and then my router crashed; Im off a lot of shit cause the herbs. Had my kidney transplant not been covered here, I seriously was looking to going outside the country.


hearts for u on v-day
