Smoking weed and traveling the globe for pain relief [split]

Yeh man that’s a good idea. I had a bad zit on my nose few weeks ago, went straight to China and they took care of it

Had diarrhea, went to Ukrane they tuned my ass right up!

Yeh man heard they cure herpes over there

Shiiiittttttt. Instead of getting a back massage, I’m going to fly to Ukraine and spend $950.

On a real note, what the fuck are you talking about Ilya? Reason why they don’t perform surgery in Europe is because the people die before they even can get healthcare because it takes so long to see a doctor unless you have big money.

I thought i heard it all when you said a M35x has a nicer interior than a 7 series.


Dude…I’ve been around the circuit with my moms heart problems. American doctors don’t know shit fellas. Hate to break it to you. They are just NOW starting to come around to herbal and other such practices. If you follow the medical journals like she does.

My mom has had open heart (twice), pace maker, defibrillator, etc. and her heart is barely kicking (left side is barely working and right side is at like 50%) and yet she’s still alive and able to work a 9-5 job thanks to all the herbal remedies she does FOR HER SELF. When doctors prescribe her stuff, she gets all sort of complications (her feet are so swollen that she can’t even wear a normal shoe - from the damage they did to her because one of the pills she took will retain water for crazy amounts of months) and other issues that result from the bevy of pills they make her take.

Trust me…Europe has just as good medicine over there…but it’s a totally different style of therapy/practice. And yes, you need money. Which, as an American, I have (currency rate is pretty significant over there).

I’ve been to numerous “back specialists” here…have done physical therapy (months of it), spinal decompression (30 sessions at $100 a pop - which was a HUGE discount from the normal $200 rate), 2 months of bi-daily massages, etc. etc. and all anyone ever tells me is ‘surgery, surgery, surgery’. I’m f’in 25. I’m not going to opt for surgery which isn’t even guaranteed to fix my issue. I’ve read all the research and talked to numerous people who have fused backs, etc. It’s not a solution.

Hate to break it to you guys…but America isn’t #1 in everything. Being patriotic is one thing, but being an idiot/ignorant is another. I love my life in the US. I live comfortably and have a great job/career. But that doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with the level of medicine in this country. I came here when I was 2, lived there when I was 6, and have been there a bunch of times since. What does your dad coming here from Italy at 18 have to do with anything?

Regarding the interior comment. It was my opinion. If you disagree, cool. Why do I care? :lol

Are you a spy?

Herbal remedies? You for fucking srs?

You didn’t see anything. :ninja

You have MUCH to learn. I have a freakin real life example sleeping the room next door to mine right now. How much more evidence do you want that not everything Pfizer or Merc makes is good? If you disagree, that’s fine. But WTF is your deal?

I’m not saying I’m going to be doing anything herbal for MY issue…but I’m just saying that doctors in Europe have a different gameplan for a lot of stuff than American doctors do. So while visiting family, I’m going to make it a point to get checked out there. Won’t cost me that much (better than spending $40k on an artificial disc replacement surgery which isn’t even covered by insurance at the moment).

I know plenty of people that use herbal remedies. They usually zone out, laugh at dumb shit and/or get the munchies.

my chiropractor is all about non surgical remedies for my back.

He’s in Rotterdam

… New York, USA

Right. Cause everyone in the world who believes in alternative medicine or botanical medicine is a f’in hippy in the south growin marjiuana.


Do you read? Apparently not.

$950 airplane ticket to Europe and their practices > thousands upon thousands of dollars spent already and in the future (not to mention the cost of the surgery which some insurances don’t cover). What’s the worst that happens? Oh right. I see my family which I haven’t seen since 2008.

You people are ridiculous sometimes :lol

First off I have d.g.d and scoliosis !!! My last doc and chiro combed had me all set up for surgery that would of ended my career , went to a good doc and chiro and am still working . Trust me its not easy at times but I have a family to feed and if I go down my whole family does "no stress right " some of the best medicine is done here not by some cut rate mail order doc overseas .

the mexican at work’s wife goes to Equador or whatever shitbag country down there theyre actually from whenever she needs surgery or shit like that. I dont get it, I wouldnt want to go to a doctor where the patient before you is a horse.

:lol @ cut rate mail order doc overseas.

Been there man (3 different places). I did all their crap they do here. Hasn’t worked for me. I even did their new ‘marketing gimmic’ (the spinal decompression). That’s the new hype for people with back issues. One chiropractor had a HUGE 80page ‘testimony’ binder in his waiting room.

It didn’t do JACK for me. Luckily, I got reimbursed on my taxes for the majority of that medical expense. It was a waste.

So either 1) those testimonies and the new method is a joke or 2) I haven’t been properly diagnosed and was getting the wrong treatments for my issue.

By the way…regarding the ‘quality’ of european doctors. You guys do realize that many pro athletes go to Europe for various medical procedures. Just sayin. And they have the money to pay the doctors here in the US. The doctor I am getting an appointment with is actually a professional sports medicine doctor in Ternopil, Ukraine who primarily works with the pro soccer team in the area and body builders who dead lift, etc. (three of my cousins are pro lifters over there and one of them actually won silver a number of years ago in the entire country). I’m also going to a swiss clinic over there which is supposed to be state of the art. I trust their opinion far more than I trust the opinion of some joe shmoes’ on :lol.

Like I said…America is NOT number 1 in everything. Sorry to burst your guys’ bubble.

Anyway…peace out. I’ll make sure to post some pics of my trip if I go sight seeing. Ya’ll will probably enjoy that much.

Idk dude, I seen this one episode of CSI with a shady doc…

Yes we are , if not why are u here ?

Christ look at myers weeni " well where it was anyway " god damn butcher got that

Here’s my doctor Ilya

Bitches ain’t Nuttin but Ho’s and tricks …