SmokinSS Vs THE WORLD ROUND 10905865484882

Thats cool I know qutie a few people like that and I understand… Nothing would be worse than having the weight of something like that on your shoulders if somethin ever did happen

I’m gonna race you from Lane 3 to the food stand.

hes quick on foot… best bet is to trip him

maybe if you stopped bullying the kid he wouldnt want to smookkkke ya.

Hmm ok. Good idea, has little legs tho.

I got a long stride though. You are going down

ok quick question… if the light turns green and i go backwards say to the burnout out box then floor it from there to the finish my trap speed would THEORETICALLY be higher right?

i know this seems silly but figured i’d ask.

theoretically, you will redlight you cant unstage , i think

hmm, i’m gonna try by “accident”:lol

do et

You can trip the staging lane lights, roll back and then go, but thats gotta be the stupidest thing that ive ever heard in my life, and ive heard some stupid shit. Youd run a 30@95 in your TDI. Not worth it…

ok. no need to be a prick about it. just wanted to see if it would work. thats all :wtf

Yes, but im saying if you did that, youd be kicked off the track, and rightfully so. Why couldnt you think and come up with that answer by yourself?? JW. Its pretty easy, if you get a running start, of course your trap will be higher lol. Dont get a big dick

the staging lights was my concern Ronald ha

Once the light turns green, you can do whatever ya want lol. I guess i dont see the reasoning, but hey, different strokes…

more fun drivin slow cars fast then fast cars slow

Umm…its just plain old more fun to drive a fast car lol

yah lol

Pete needs to get a fast car!

in a couple years maybe… when my insurance will go down i will get one.