SmokinSS Vs THE WORLD ROUND 10905865484882


We need some day time video’s…

or a camera that doesnt suck, and night videos

+1 :rofl

Throw in a new car too.

race bretts gto…

no need to start anything. ill come out of street racing retirement for one race in due time(with the GTI). ill give him his 60 roll, but if he jumps, spins, misses a gear, i dont care. thats it, nothing else.

sounds like a plan…I will be waiting for that day.

believe me, id like to give an idea of when, but at this point im not sure when its going to be running/driving again, so keep your ears open

i can’t wait to see this.

wont happen. i wont race if there is a flock of cars trailing. sorry to disappoint… i do no film, no followers.

I can ride shotgun status for this race? :excited

It’ll make it more fair for smokinsssss… more weight in your car im a fatty

Honestly I don’t understand how people get so bent over minute details like this. IMO if your roll racing and someone “jumps” by going a fraction of a second before the third beep and you guys are pretty much even the whole race, as in no more than a car length, no one has grounds to be talking shit. There are so many other variables that affect the outcome of a race that it seems to me to be facetious to argue over someone “jumping” to the point where it can be argued.

In this case, the cars that raced were very similar in the end so who really gives a flying fuck? Unless your talking car lengths to beat someone their is no point in bashing the other persons car.

You’re all equally gay.

no, me. not you.

Equally as gay as you? Cause that would be fagtastic



i make less power, and weigh almost 3100lb. pretty fair i think. plus i dont feel right racing with someone in my car, especially with an infant at home. i hope you understand where im coming from.

hes so bent on racing my car for whatever reason. i still dont know why. its just a slow VW.

Im just waiting to see the runs at lvd