SmokinSS Vs THE WORLD ROUND 10905865484882

Whoa smokingss is still crying…theres a surprise

IP’s arent the same as travis’ they are close though. maybe the next trailer over

He knows too much to be a totally new member.

IP’s will change

well, i just checked both names and they are different, so unless hes using someone else’s computer, which is silly because he wasnt
IP banned, he requested his log in privelages be removed.

But its failvis so would anything really surprise you with him?

ignore the trolls. and carry on.

Ban the trolls?


if they are typing chinese and spamming. bans are up to vlad, not my choice. and so far this new member hasnt done anything.

It’s Travis, I found out from a person that knew him pretty well that a race team he used to “work” for was called Ghetto Child Motorsports.


who cares though, just ignore him, it, whoever.

Make more failvis threads



Basically, heres the deal, Chris’s and Nicks will put bus lengths on Andrew’s car on Racegas. Thats a given. On Pump, they alll seem to be really close. Id say the Camaro moves out real good.

yah/…I’d need a 100 shot to play with them on race gas.

Do it!!

no im staying all motor.

Heads, FAST intake manifold and gears would wake it up tho.