Smokinssssssss vs. gay civic, smokins vs. deathbyrt 4/23

Its either that or run slicks for us fwd guys.

You want to do a 120 to 60? You know see how good our brakes our

Why do the big Texas boys run 60-130 and you Mickey mouse boppers are trying to go faster?? Not are fault you can’t hook and the AGREED shut down speed is 120. I clearly told the dude I’m done at 120-125


Its not their fault either that your car has no top end

not really a lack of top end, more like a lack of gear but it’s fine, I’m not complaining so idcccccccc

I can guarantee i have less traction than you.

Texas guys run 40-140 or 60-160. Or they just dont stop till 190mph lol

You were just complaining in a previous post

Not our fault your car is a DOG at 120+.


still at 140 he wouldnt have been ahead, so it doesnt matter.

I am fine with that…but I dont like to spray in 5th for obvious reasons so I will be shutting down at 140.

Chances are he would not have been ahead. Maybe when he gets use to the car it will be a better race and more worth you using nitrous.

We can’t really compare my car to your car, but how could you have worse traction than a high horsepower fwd civic?

I dont know how many times I need to state this, maybe I should say it all in caps for some of you to understand…

I shut down at 125 all the runs. Not 80. Not 90. Not 100. Top of 4th…

I also stated that I have a VERY bad vibration that Frankly I shouldnt even be WOT with. This is WHY I didnt continue to keep going faster, because Its not safe.

Ask corey about my shut down speeds and the vibration. I am not making shit up here. Before I do any 120+ runs, I NEED to fix this vibration before I blow out a driveshaft or some shit.

I agree.

but he still shouldnt have talked so much shit coming into something he knew nothing about. I was told last night that he is still making excuses…

yea, shit vibrated more than kevins dildo in joe jiggs ass

nikka please

howd the trans turnout?
