Snakes on a... car?

i’ve seen the van before too … lol god damn its awesome.

i cant fucking believe this guyid giv him my sundance if he put that neon out of its misery, one less fucking example of how the neon got a bad name

I spotted another one similar last week. i think it was an early 90’s escort that had dare devil on the sides.

didnt have time to snap a pic. but its just too damn funny

hopefully they’re doing it for the humor and not because they think it’s sweet looking

best thing about the van is the “#1” on the mirros. Pure Awesomeness.

It’s humor when you buy a cheap winter beater and decide as a joke to put a cardboard body kit and a huge wing on it. These guys buy car after shitty car and proceed to rape the Pep Boys sticker aisle each time. They’ve been at it for years, and all that crap costs money. They are 100% serious with these monstrosities.