SNKYSNKY vs Camaro

So Saturday night I was rolling down the street. A 3rd gen primer camaro rolls up next to me at the light. I figure it might be a decent race, so I threw him a few revs, and he answered back. When the light turned green, I dumped the clutch at 6k rpms and spun the tires a little bit. Out of the corner of my eye, I knew I was screwed when I saw his front wheels lift off the ground. He had a couple busses on me by the time I hit 80.

:tup: to big displacement.

Not sure if he’s on here - I think the plate was something like RUNZBIKEZ (I realize that too many letters, but it was something like that)

lol… that would suckk… oh fuck thats a wheelie… I’m screwed…

Its only a 9sec car :lol:

edit- my comment sounded like I was being a jerk, which I was not, so I removed it.

Yeah, his car is definitely one of the fastest street cars around. He is super consistent too, and beat Stry’s z06 at the street car shootout last year. He’s a pretty cool guy too :tup:


Since when? :lol:

prior. i still want to race him

lol @ the wheelie pwnage.

Do it!

hahahahah thats great…

i told him to go get his car at S&R last year when he gave me props (which was cool of him) but explained that even from a high roll my car wouldn’t “spool up in time to get the burst the nitrous gives him”… (…ok? lol) but he kinda shrugged it off and walked away. like i’ve been saying, i’m not doing that kinda “thing” anymore.

at the track, yes his car is obviously fast, and it’s going to take some dialing in for me to get to the point he’s at

i ran into prior a couple times last year. once at lancaster and another at NYIRP when i went mid 10’s. He had all sorts of great ideas to help me get my car into 9’s. good guy in my book.:slight_smile:

Is this the same guy who used to show up drunk at mighty all the time?

Yes…and smashed up his Camaro drunk one night…

^ great guy :roll:

cocky as all hell, knew everything about everything.

his camaro is quick, i wish i woulda raced him from a 30 roll like he wanted… put him in his place.

Didnt feel like getting hit though.

Didnt it used to be silver color or am i thinking of a different camaro?


That’s pretty funny.

that was the night bighands finally had enough of my harassment and he and prior wanted me out that night to run, it ended up raining which is why I think he cracked up his car. the boozing probably didnt help.

I only sorta kinda talked to prior once at lancaster…and he was a d-bag

Isn’t his name Jake?