Snow? Anyone?

Woke up this morning and there was a light dusting on some of the sections of my roof and on all the cars (dmoffitt, your car is covered in snow :lol:). Anyone else have any yet?

Sadly it’s all melted now :frowning:

Hm. There was none at 8:30. But I don’t have a window at work…

My parents sent me a picture of the back porch with a small dusting… sucks. We hit 70’s yesterday.

I was getting snowed on leaving class at UB north last night. :tdown:

it’s been snowing on and off all morning here in Wellsville… that means it’s time to get the plow truck serviced

snow is awesome.

It was snowing a little bit when I was driving into work this morning, nothing was sticking though. (Cheektovegas)

i had snow at 5pm when i hit rice on the 219 last night and snowed all night and then i had it all morning driving back in

This was in Hornell, NY (not VA)

It was snowing out in Clarence Center for a bit. Had a light dusting but it stoped around 9:30am

Bring the snow!

Yeah we got some.
I need to order snows!

Yeah, got a bit at the house.


snowed last night in Depew, but nothing stuck. Same with today. It was snowing this morning.

god I hate winter and snow. ugh.

yeah it snowed here ~9am-ish, didn’t stick tho

had maybe 1" on the car, ground is wet so nothing stuck to it.

Last night when i went out to my car… it was covered in wet snow… and this morning its been lightly snowing on and off, nothing is sticking yet tho… (Holland)

I think in light of this thread, I will drive home from work with the top down :slight_smile: