A couple of branches in the state have decided to close, so my boss said sure why not. I GET TO LEAVE AT NOON!!!


branches? Where do you work?

Rexel Electric.

We have branches in Elmira, Jamestown, Johnson City, Utica, and some others


wish i could leave at noon. IHI

Word. I’m closing up shop at 1!!! Woot.


Fuck you all, the Ice Rink is busiest on snowy days, not to mention i’ll probably have assloads of glass to clean

I’ll probably close down mid-afternoon. I’m planning on bringing a bunch of stuff to Shredd and Ragan up at the Blvd Mall afterwards anyway.

WOOOOO can’t get out of my driveway…


i hope everyone who can’t drive, that is stuck in 2 inches of snow with bald tires gets bad gas or a paper cut… i’m not one for wishing someone else harm, just to be inconvenienced like i am with your stupid ass on the road, you’re a threat to yourself and everyone around you.


I took the day off anyway. It is not really bad in Rochester yet. How is it in Buffalo?

one bad thing about working at a casino… IT NEVER CLOSES

Were still working in Clarence Center, its snowing alot here. Should make a fun drive home.

ill prob be at the tables later LOL

Praxair closed at 10:30 lol.

They let us out of my work at 11:00 so I am home now.

My company wouldn’t let people go home if the sky was on fire. I prob wouldn’t want to leave anyway, but they need to think of people’s safety. I told them to consider sending all the shop guys home.

Typical NY, send people home in the worst part of the storm. By 5pm this should be just light snow and the plows will have had time to catch up on the roads.


fuck yeah i take it all back, ice rink is closing with the rest of campus, i’m off the hook, whats the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?

Meh. 4x4. Firestone Destination A/T’s. 6MT.

What snow?:eekdance: