Snow drifting in the 518

woohoooo shift518 science project!


sand is better for the environment too so naturally since everyone is obcessed with going green these days that’s what all of the DOT trucks will be using now :lol

fuckin hippies

And you wonder why you live in your parents attic at the age of 27

Because Im not a hippie driving a Prius and saving trees and butterflies?
We dont have an attic and Im 28.

Further proving my point

So Im not travelling to all the Phish concerts in a VW Bus loaded with weed either, ok but what does that have to do with anything?


Dirt is cheap, salt/calcium is not. I say use all the dirt they can, salt is for the birds. Doesn’t fuck my shit up either.

I say they stop being pussies and let the snow go. Plow it and be done, no salt no sand. Saves money, more fun, more idiots die. Its win win win

Salt is nice because it keeps the roads from icing up, but as we all are aware it is moderately corrosive…


hahaha yeah im not going to drift my 4door much at all its to nice to take the chance, but when you go out and drift let me know ill ride with u and operate the cam, at least i dont leave the lens cap on when there are some sick wheels going on next to you hahahaha (not gonna say any names) you know what im talking about auston lol

“dirt” is organic
“sand” is rocks

enormous difference

I’d be down for a driftorz session.

i think someone needs to invest in a snow gun lol

this thread = :facepalm:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm:facepalm

to all the dumbasses saying their “drifting” FWD…its not drifting! your just e-brake sliding! :Idiots lololololol

PJB’s got 2 V8’s and a quad. I don’t think he cares that much about the environment :rofl

Yeah and one of those v8’s has no cats and gets 10 mpg. Take that tree huggers.

okay mr. helladriftking