Snow Math...

10cms of snow + 50% on rears + Kaaz 2-Way + 13psi = One crazy drive to work this morning

Wow - I really have to put my snows on…

Anybody else do a little skating this morning?

yep, took me an hour and 20 minutes to get to school (normally about 25mins), but I had some fun with the e-brake in the hondarossa on the way! 8)

it just took me 2.5 hours to get to work ,

It sucked

damn you people took long time to get to work/school…

it usually takes me 30 min. to get to work… today it was 45 heh…

Same situation with me … Only difference is I’m still stuck in traffic :slight_smile:

My sis has a 3hr drive in to school this morn

I left my house just after 9am and its now 10:30 and I’m still driving… Being able to type this much on a cellphone should give you a pretty good idea of how fast I’m not moving :)…

Woes I just saw a black boosted s13 hatch driving west on eglington… Didn’t recognize the driver

To that guy: <3 the sound that bov makes, whoever you are and whichever it was…

Traffic is picking up I better stop typing and driving…


It took me an extra 20 minutes today, the 401 was clean but due to an accident at 401 and weston rd. it was backed up big time.

Torontonians have the worst case of rubbernecking. A little fender bender with about $100.00 worth aof damage caused a back up from weston rd. all the way to 427.
None of the lanes were blocked, they had pulled to the side but because of the rubberneckers slowing down to see the damage like they have to asses it or investigate or something there was a huge traffic jam.

The other day a guy had a flat tire at 401 and keele and it was causing a traffic jam because people had to slow down and check out what’s going on, Damn rubberneckers are so dangerous they cause traffic jams and even accidents creating an even bigger jam. I wish people would just mind their own business and concentrate more on driving instead of someone pulled over to change a flat or take a piss or whatever the reason.

Normally it takes me 3.5min to get to work today it took 3.5min… :lol:

Normally takes me 40 min. or so to get to work.

Today it took me 2 hours.

Am I ever glad I didn’t have to go anywhere today :smiley:

This is so true. The other day there was a tiny fender bender on the side of the 403, no lanes blocked, and the rubbernecking added a 1/2 hour to my trip. Makes me feel MURDEROUS when I have to go through shit like that.

This is so true. The other day there was a tiny fender bender on the side of the 403, no lanes blocked, and the rubbernecking added a 1/2 hour to my trip. 10 feet past the parked cars, and the highway was flowing with no problem. Makes me feel MURDEROUS when I have to go through shit like that.[/quote]

and with all this “rubbernecking” i tihnk im the only one (not about anyone on this board) to get out of my car and help a lady that was stuck in the snow. she had 2 small children in the van and was prolly trying to get them to school. instead of helping ppl just honked and as they passed in teh other lane gave hte good ol’ head shake in disgust that SHE was holding THEM up. pft pathetic…

took me an 1hr30mins to get to work and it usually takes about 15 mins…damn creditview!


took me no more time than usual to get in to work…

the roads are not bad… just go sit in the unplowed fast lane and giver…


Daaaaaaammnnn RIGHT! Haha that’s the spirit!

ya but you gots Quattro

germany wins again!!


haha but that makes no difference to us who were most likely stuck in traffic behind bad drivers.

buddy spun out his 318 infront of me trying to switch lanes this morning.

that I also agree with, it would have made no difference for me, but I have teh feeling that greg did not have as much traffic on his way to work

404 northbound at noon wins again!


Yup, that’s what I be talkin about.