Snow Storm

Sounds like alberta? I lived in edmonton for 3 years… went out west to ride the rockies!!!

lol nope…maxwell ontario…an hr and a 1/2 north of brampton…we wud have snow piles on the sides of the roads that wud be higher than transport trucks in the late winter…no lie…but then again out there it started snowin in october and we’d have snow till about may cuz it took that long to all melt away…it was such a depressing time of the yr lol

Dam you’re a “small town girl”… That kinda weather would drive me insane, this is bad enough for me as it is…

Florida keeps looking better each year…

Oh, how was the gym? good workout?
Just please, do not go and get a six pack… that shit looks horrible on women.:slight_smile:
BELLY DANCERS FTMFW!!!:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

welll lol i lived there for 8yrs…i was originally from the city(t.o.,sauga and burlington area) …yea i cudnt handle living out there

haha the gym was good…i died on the bike lol cuz ive been going every day and i only got bak into it on saturday…but me and my friends…we spent 2hrs there haha…too much time…haha well no thats not my plan…im far from that still…i dont like it wen girls are muscley…haha the way i want to be…is wat my bf calls cadillac curves(dun ask…i dont understand slang)…but yea…haha i wanna take belly dancing classes…its a good work out too

hahah, sounds like a rambling of some old man.

I used to have to walk 5 hours to school in the winter with no shoes, going uphill BOTH WAYS!!

lol still…it was not fun going to school wet and cold…i laff wen ppl are talkin bout the weather to me…and they tell me that its sooo bad

It was fun driving to work today. I was upset to see all the snow on the roads was gone, but got happy once I realized I’ll be taking my Nissan tomorrow.

I came home at 5am last night only to find that my garage is piled with at least a foot of snow and my mom’s Jetta blocking the garage. Had to wipe snow off jetta and shovel the driveway to half its depth. Then tried getting my Z up only to get stuck on the driveway. Reversed… first gear… and rammed it through. Got out of the car to find half of my driveway covered in snow cause my car just dragged it all in. Driving lowered car sucks in this weather -_-…

Shoveled that snow off, then tried to get my jetta and to find that jetta got stuck as well… STUPID ALL SEASONS TIRES! LOL