Snow Storm

report in how bad is it in your area?
they are saying on tv that hamilton might get 50 cm so far i think we got about 20-25 cm well at least college is closed today after 3

my moms friend in burlington says its baddd out there already…out here in brampton its not doin n e thing…just windy and realll cold…i heard we arent supposed to get it as bad as u will out there

its pretty good here in scarborough. not as cold as it was the past few days.

The storm is supposed to skip T.O, Its just really cold outside… I only hope that they are right.

It’s not enough to close schools… :frowning:

im counting on ur info…lol i hope its right…i want to go to the gym tonight

just cold here, other than that nothing at all.

The snow is coming down pretty steadily here (by the airport) not much is staying on the ground yet.

I’m going to the gym now, hopefully it doesn’t pile up while I’m there.

all is calm just north of the airport…and im waiting on a friend to go to the gym…if i cant go…im gunna be ppp.oooo’d

Nice initiative…
What you doing spin class? or cardio class?..
I have been too sick to goto the gym… then again I haven’t been at work either…:smiley: :smiley:

slide slide slide slide…:drivin sh^t body work T_T

yea …i made it wooo!!!
i havent done n e classes…i just go to do cardio and some weights here and there…i gotta get bak to wat i was doing b4…but my friends want to try out some of the classes my gym has…id like to try the boxing

just got off work and we got quite abit of snow

luckily i took a vacation day today. i wake up and see all white outside. hopefully this doesnt last too long so it doesnt ruin the meet.

I’m taking the day off, no need to run around in the snow with all the SUV drivin’ fools. Besides, gives me time to get ready for Ice Racing this weekend :smiley:

^I took the whole week off sick… I guess I have some good timing.
It took me an half hour to shovel all the snow around my house.:mad:


there was a snow storm?:S

ahhh i booked the day off work today (for V-day, suprise my gf) and i get waken up by my dad using the snow blower clearing off all the snow front and back yard… damn that was annoying. my girlfriend was hoping to have a snow day for her school (would of ruin my suprise for her) but she didnt, so i went outside to clean her car off for her and DAMN!! she had like a foot of snow on her car, and after i was done cleaning off the car there was a big pile of snow behind her car (even tho my dad already cleared the snow off the driveway (somewhat)) thought i was going have to shovle that snow out of the way so she can back out of the driveway… good thing i didnt cus i was still tired as i just got out of bed to clear her car off for her.

and then i get inside and my dad says “enough snow?” i said no, and then he continues to say how bad Hamilton has it… something like 40cm of snow!? i thougt kitchener had it bad but damn they got it even worse.

that is all, time to make a fire to warm up the house :slight_smile:

frig i dooo not miss the winters where i used to live…i nvr had to shovel the driveway…cuz well…it was 300ft long…but i had to walk thru snow drifts anywhere up to my knees…sumtimes waist to get to the school bus…or id have to push my moms car out of the snow drifts wen it got stuck

damn, that would suck. my mom grew up in the country i bet she had it worse back then…

haha i just remember, after work last night i was going to get a ride home from a friend, so we get to his car, clear it off and start it up, sitting in there for a bit to warm it up and he puts it in drive and … wa wa wa, the car stalls on him and he couldnt start it up again, so he ask another buddy to jump start it, buddy brings over an electric starter (he didnt know if it was charge or what not) while he’s coming over with the starter we try to open the hood but the damn hood wouldnt pop open… weird. wonder if it got frozen closed or something, no idea. but good thing i got a ride home evenutally :slight_smile:

(damn snow, good time to go taboozing now)