Snowboarders pass pulled *vid* (snowbasin uproar)

Yeah, in fact I went to school with the guys that started FUNCTION in West Falls(Aurora) snowboards way back when Burton was the only maker… So there! :smiley:

For those small sections, you could try just slowing down and taking a breather… It’s usually only temporary… Would you prefer for those people to take more aggressive lines which will make them lose control and potential hurt themselves and other people?

Or I’m referring to KB where the hills are really short.

My response was in response to Newman’s post about being a shitty snowboarder. As for slowing doing and taking a breather, there’s sections where this can be done safely and that’s fine; but there are other sections that are relatively flat that if as a boarder you don’t keep up enough speed and on the right lines you won’t make it through… then end up un-strapping and walking or pushing yourself along and then “you” become the dick taking up the trail.

I guess I just have enough board control or skill or something to blast by those people easily. Even if there is a group of them. If they think you’re an asshole, who cares. Often times just shouting “heads up” or “excuse me” will make them stop long enough to rip past.

A simple “on your left” works too.

So reading all this just got me to the point where you have to say it just straight out.

Snowboarders have blind sides. Dont try to overtake a snowboarder on his heel edge would be a good idea.

Skiers have blind spots. anything behind them… unfortunately for everyone bitching about the skier in front of them, they automatically have the right away. If you are coming up to one. tell them which side you are about to pass them. you would be amazed at how much this works and they dont cut into you.

The same can be said about snowboarders. If you are going to come up on there Heelside, back to you… yell “on your left” or “on your right”

As for everyone complaining about who is worse than the other… who cares. we all were there at one point. Everyone bitching had to learn at one time and took up the hill just like the others. Give them credit that they are even trying. If its not for these people learning, eventually ski resorts would run out of people and would have to close or only have so much open.

Yelling works often, but does not work out too hot when young Jimmy Park Rat (skier or boarder) is womping out to some dubstep with his headphones maxed out and decides at the last second that he needs to get super siq on the trailside Jersey booter and he cuts hard.

Bottom-line: Give people space out there.


lol well right. I mean, you see them with the big headphones, you know not to go near “Young Jimmy Park Rat”

Really, the key thing is…If you really have to complain about trying to get around people. Maybe you are moving to fast for that run because of to much traffic. If you can move that good, maybe you should go on a more advanced run and you wont put up with these jamokes.

These are all good suggestions but lets face it the best way to avoid people is to ski manly terrain. lol The more I thought about it the more I realized there is never anyone within 100 feet of me where I ski. There are no conjestion problems on double black diamonds, back country, cat-skiing or Heli-skiing. :slight_smile:


Exactly what I was saying. If you are good enough that people become in your way all to often, you are moving to fast for that run. Go on a run that you dont see beginners.


unfortunately, not always do-able, but definitely the truth… on that note, I need to start flying to the west coast to board

Cool guys like you are the reason I can’t get my wife back out to learn how to ski/board.



there are inconsiderate people on both sides. it wouldnt hurt if the skier would give a glance behind once in a while. it has been said boarders need momentum to get through the flat areas and when we get cut off/ slow down due to avoiding said collision. I went to killington at a bad time. the week before christmas, it was mobbed. but in that scenario, the skiers’ douche baggery out weighed the boarders. and its wasnt just me that was complaining. multiple others,. (adults)

keep it to the snow carpet

If you’re clipping people on the bunny slopes and green circles, you’re the problem, not them.