Snowboarding/Skiing sometime in jan? *Bromley Tues Jan 17th*

This weather is SHIT!

i love big mtn days in t shirts

I always laugh at the people with snowrash on their arms from spring skiing and falling in t-shirts.

i like riding in a hoody and my snowpants

Yeah I’ve done that but exposed skin is just asking for trouble. Sure it may be warm enough for it but the snow still tears you up when you slide on it haha.

hell yeah that would suck ass , if it’s warm enough out for no gloves tho that would be dope

I’m gonna suck so bad tho

so singh your a definite now?

I could possibly be in to string several barely-controlled falls together to make my way down a mountain multiple times.

^ so does that mean your in? haha

False alarm, just checked my calendar and my classes start back up on that day. Carry on.


if we could do it a day before alot more people could go due to them not having to miss the first day of classes

yeah I’m definite either way but think the day before is a much better idea

yeah but the day before is also holiday rates

This^ plus MLK weekend is the first “Big” holiday weekend and its usually a shitshow just about everywhere as far as crowds go.

Texted Kramer, no response. He must be drunk.

oh ok that makes sense, 17th is fine


Trying to talk a few other people into going to this.

Where is the snow? :dunno

^^idk brother im in a cuba right now so I wont see snow till I get home haha