snowhite as a helper....

a few weeks ago snow and i tore all the wiring out of my car so we could hide the wires. snow’s job was to mark all the wires/plugs/harnesses, etc…

me- you got all that marked?
snow- got it all down man.

…fast foward to last night…so snow starts to look at the wires and has no idea what wires go where. after 2 hours we finally end up with only 1 “mystery” plug. damn him.

snow- is that a chip on my fender? :smiley:

kill him

Originally posted by Pewterss
kill him

you got a pic of the connector?? or a roundabout location?

blk- ill look into it 2nite. also, you might be able to help me out with the starter seleniod. can you take a look at yours in tell me what wires go on there? i seem to have too many going on there…


hey venom, i will pm you my cell number… if you want… call me between 2 and 5 tomorrow (sat) afternoon. I’ll be glad to help

Originally posted by Pewterss
kill him

i can get an untraceable pistol with the serial numbers filed off!




hey i did not fucking scract the fender
im sorry im adhd i forgot :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

That sounds about how all the projects go… hahah thats what you gety for not calling me fucker :smiley: