Snowpocalypse 2, the Snowmageddon 2/5/14

So Governor Jackass just declared the entire state a state of emergency over our 6-12" of snow.

When did we become Georgia?

just another day…

I am a firm believer that he is just using all of this to promote the snowmobiling up the tug hill area. If he makes everyone think we have all this snow and we are getting pounded all the time (which we are, just not by snow), then people will flock here and spend money.

Mario Jr. was probably just pissed Georgia got all the media hype and was jealous.

How is it that nobody with any significance, influence or power has had the bright idea to run against this guy?

There is someone currently, but he does not fit any of your criteria.

It’s hard to beat NYC

Because he’s a democrat, he has a giant war chest of money and no one of significance, influence or power is dumb enough to piss their money away on a race they know they will lose. So we end up ego maniacs like The Donald and or “God is telling me to run” jackasses like Astorino. Smart and influential people with political aspirations just move to smarter states and run there.

The SoE is reportedly due to some municipalities being so low on salt. It allows them to by salt elsewhere outside of the normal bidding process, and move some of the states surplus salt from one place to another. I think the SoE being declared also allows municipalities more overtime for plow drivers, etc.

back to your regularly scheduled thread

This is spot on. :tup:

It’s snowing pretty hard in Webster right now. Areas south of the thruway are supposed to get a lot more snow though.

I’m talking about another democrat. I understand you wouldn’t want them in office, regardless…but it has to be better than this guy.

Primary challenges against a sitting governor are REALLY rare and pretty much never successful, especially against one with a war chest like Cuomo. See earlier reference about pissing money away.

Well that’s fucked up lol

Plows were out like they were in fucking Georgia today. Maybe they’ll come out at night and plow when its easier to sideswipe some parked cars.

Rob Ford has my vote!

We we get federal aid for such nonsense.

Whether you like Trump or not he is the only big name who seems to understand that China is our biggest threat. For this I have much respect. It is hard to believe just how ignorant everyone else is.

What in the fuck does this have to do with complaining about the snow?