So, a plane didn't hit the Pentagon on 9/11?

thats good video work. not sure of the direction u wanted this thread to go in, and im not trying to start anything, but i just dont see how its fair for people to come up with these crazy conspiracies. in a crash like that, there are so many variables. you can create all the models and simulations you want to predict the outsome, but the truth of the matter is, is that if that plane was an inch off of what the simulation shows, that could change everything. and i think that vidoe they show of actualy footage is misleading, because it is probably close to impossible to accurately capture the whole event unless it was done with a high speed camera. where it shows the building exploding with the plane still outise of it, i would be willing to bet thats 2 ‘stages’ of the crash being captured in the same frame of the tape. if you think about it, that plane is moving pretty good at that point.

the whole point of the matter is, what happened, happened, and i dont see why people keep dweling on something that we cannot go back and change and try to pass the blame and conspiracize. it happened, theres nothing we can do to change it, so why keep dwelling on it?