So after 6 months...

…I’m back, and not just visiting like I was every few weeks, back for good lol

Long story short, jobs are the suck in VA Beach and the cost of living is pretty disproportionate to the pay scale (min wage = 5.15 = poop, not that i was making minimum wage, but it gives you an idea)

Went through 3 jobs in 6 months and decided for the time being I’m better off back home, plus I really believe that its not what you know its who you know, and I was pretty S.O.L. on my own down there

If you want the long version of the last 6 months, come grab a beer with me some night after screaming at the Sabres, and you can hear of all the southern idiot bashing that took place :stuck_out_tongue:


yay. I wanna see you somewhere tonight. (pref in bed) :wink:

lol, as long as theres a TV showing los sabres hopefully putting up some sort of fight against sid the kid and his snowbeasts…

Welcome back, I have numerous friends in Va Beach who are loving it (and the pay differential from there and here). It’s def gotta suck though going from the weather to the weather here, given today was nice for us.

welcome back


It’s def gotta suck though going from the weather to the weather here, given today was nice for us.


i don’t mind the snow in the least, and it still gets damn cold down there during the winter

the way i look at it, is that i was a snow-bird for this year and i went south for the winter and im back in the spring…lol…


i don’t mind the snow in the least, and it still gets damn cold down there during the winter

the way i look at it, is that i was a snow-bird for this year and i went south for the winter and im back in the spring…lol…


Lol nice. What field of work are you in? I have one friend who works for a Benz dealership pullin over 50k, and another in the Army recruiting netting around 45k. So both of those are kinda set jobs.

LOL another one.


welcome home :slight_smile:

not like i ever see any of my friends anymore anyway… even though you will be home, you will probably never see me… lol


welcome home :slight_smile:

not like i ever see any of my friends anymore anyway… even though you will be home, you will probably never see me… lol


im pretty sure i saw more of you while i was gone, and that was ONCE

:lol: at this thread. Weren’t you the one talking all kinds of shit about how VA Beach was the cat’s ass and all that. Now you are back with the rest of us suckaz. Welcome back! :wink:

hahaha i heard about this on saturday night.

welcome back hoser.

how are you gonna suck off noshoes now? :wink:

Welcome back MRPOO!

Welcome back Skunky-Poo Junior!

had a long talk with your dad about this lol

welcome back. if you feel like coming to an awesome comptetative skate, I’ve still got mine going on.

You are a giant vagina. You move away for 6 months? thats a long vacation son. My theory is if you move you should give it 1 year. If after that year things aren’t the way you like them then move on. My buddy lives in VA beach and makes $$$ but I guess thats cause he’s smart. (ooo burn)

Welcome back man! Give me a call when you get a chance, we can grab a beer and try to figure the trade out.

bout time you got back, F the south…its only there for week-long vacations and the HIV

lol, you pussy. we dont want you back. :gay2:

i knew the 2am bar closing times were too early for you :lolham: