So after 6 months...


You are a giant vagina. You move away for 6 months? thats a long vacation son. My theory is if you move you should give it 1 year. If after that year things aren’t the way you like them then move on. My buddy lives in VA beach and makes $$$ but I guess thats cause he’s smart. (ooo burn)


i told myself when i left if i had nothing to really show after 6 months, it meant its time to regroup and start over at another time. mechanics make some big bank down there, but they only hire two kinds: oil and tire bitches making 5.15 an hour and full-time ASE techs that pay some SERIOUS bank…but again you really need an in to help you


welcome back. if you feel like coming to an awesome comptetative skate, I’ve still got mine going on.


word, once i bring my equipment (and all my furniture) back next week, i’ll be up for it :tup:


i knew the 2am bar closing times were too early for you :lolham:


you have no idea how much you miss it until its gone, especially if you’re like me where i don’t get to the bar until 11-12…