so bswaptcivic was telling me how he feels about pittspeed

I’m pretty sure I met you in person last summer, and you were a decent person. I’m not saying nobodys a decent person in real life. The point I’m trying to drag across is exactly what I said, everyone flaunts like they’re tough shit on this board in order to get a rise out of people, or gain some noobs respect so they can jock their nuts over their l337 status for being on a silly local forum for 5 years.

Way to go, now I know you lack the skill to come up with anything more clever. You realize that you bashing noobs wasn’t my point at all, correct? In fact, I think my post completely flew over your head, and the only way you could even try to retaliate is coming up with a 3 sentence post in attempt to, once again, flaunt like you’re some cool motherfucker. So, instead of trying to defend yourself on the rest of my post, you, once again, try to lay down something from your never-ending list of “words to call people when I realize I can’t come up with anything else on the interwebz.” You think I haven’t heard a comeback using the word cum with some other irrelevant word, in order to make yourself sound original? Get a clue, wait I’m sorry. You couldn’t get a clue if I lathered you in clue glue, put you in a field of horny clues during clue mating season, dickhead. Fact is, you’re really a nobody who yearns for the attention from people on the internet WHO JUST SO HAPPEN to live in the same general area as you. You feed off the attention. G’day. Oh, and don’t think that you’re sorry excuse for “weaving out the douchebags” will make me avoid the site just because of you, you big guy you.