so close (BOWLING)

2TurboZ and I are still waiting for you to come out with us one of these nights…the more the merrier

i would be down, where do you guys go?

micah, not bad for the occasional bowler. this year though i have been terrible, due to a sprained knee and some problem with my wrist again.

i usually take my bowling winnings to fund any projects for the truck. Ive thrown some 300s before, most strikes i ever had in a row was 21 in a league. My highest 4 game set was 279, 247, 268, 269 for 1063, not bad considering the pro record is 1129. I still have yet to get a league sanctioned 800 though…

never realized that there was a few others on here who actually didnt make fun of bowling…

oh i still make fun of it

90NA - when do u go?



SHit talking via cell phone to Kcuv = hysterical.

We need to hit it up soon.

i got burned

1062 is pretty solid, my highest was 268-269-772, and I fucked up a 258-289(547) opening pair and didnt get the 800


Good Job Micah

I took first place a couple years ago at Voelkers.
I now have a fucked up knee so i cant bowl. :frowning:

edit: lol… Just looked at the trophie <–spl? It was more like back in 2002 haha
damn its been long

i suck at bowling but i would be in for a few rounds