So Colonie's finest might be getting a love letter from me soon

Anyone else got any colonie being douchebags complaints to throw into a letter? Maybe it will get more notice if there are a few of them.

I don’t know if they will even read it. Whatever.

That’s just the thing though. I am not always fucking around, my car doesn’t have an exhaust on it, the stereo is loud (not that loud) but I turn the subs off at night unless I’m on the highway. All he saw me do was go the speed limit down 155 at 11:45 at night while driving a honda and being 19. Why should I have to get a different car? To be honest, I happen to like my accord a lot. I’m not just gonna suck it up and get another car. I believe this fits nicely within the definition of profiling, and they kinda aren’t supposed to do that.