So Colonie's finest might be getting a love letter from me soon

word, I’ll have to remember that. Maybe a fisheye lens effect would make that image perfection. In all seriousness, when I checked the aim on them, I walked 40 feet in front of the car, looked straight at the headlight, and knelt down until it was really blinding (there is a pretty quick change from not bad at all to holy shit my eyes). I basically had to be sitting down on the ground in front of the car at eye level with the headlights. So I suppose if you are laying in the road, they might be pretty bad, although you likely have other more pressing issues at that point in time. I knocked them down an inch or so for good measure still.

I know, thats a huge part of it. If I had a shitbox cavalier or something I probably wouldn’t have gotten pulled over (likely because the car would be abandoned having been killed with fire somewhere).