So how was your easter?

Mine Sucked azz due to the fact of 15 minutes prior to me leaving work Saturday night, My wife called me saying that my New born Dorian keeps throwing up. So I talk to the Doctor and she’s stated that she thought he was Okay enough to pretty much stay home and Suck it up and see what happens. Well Me, leaves 15 minutes early, Fly’s home doing about 80, And get home and he’s screaming his head off. So I’m like fuck this, Were taking him in. Get him to the Hospital and they had to admit him cause he was pretty dehydrated and not holding anything down. So after finding that he’s staying over night I decided to go home, and leave the wife with him so I can tend to our 8 yr. old and get some sleep also because I have to work in the afternoon. So about 3am, my wife calls crying her eyes out, And I’m all freaking like WTF Happened? She’s like they can’t find a vein on him and have to go through his head to give him a IV. “Being an Ex firefighter I can understand this being his size and stuff” But the wife is freaking. So I calm her down and all, which brings us to the Morning time where I get dressed for work and \go to the Hospital to spend time with my lil sick man and give the Wifey a break and all. And he’s Pale as can be and still throwing up everything. So around noonish we come to find that he’s only holding down his clear liquids and not his formula. So the doctor finally comes in about 3, And he’s pretty much telling us that his blood work is pretty good and that they think its a virus of some sort but they don’t know what because the testing wont be returned till Tues because of the holiday, that dept was closed. I’m like “Isn’t that Nice, My sick son can be here but since it’s Easter he can wait cause they’re home eating eater dinner.” What a Pleasure of that thought, but anyways. I told him that I’m just going to bring him home and Try to wean him onto formula again. I gave him some stuff just a lil while ago and even though there was Minor spit up. He’s doing pretty well, Hopefully in another hour I can give him about an oz. more, because this poor lil guy hasn’t really eaten anything for the past 2 1/2 days. So that’s my Easter! Thanks for listening!

Heres My poor Lil man.

hope he’s okay, thats a rough story to hear. hope u and the kid the best

yea man me too…
…when i was a lil guy i was 2 months premi’ and needed a spinal tap or i would have died…and when the hospital releasedm me, after 4 months in the NeoNatal Intensive Care Unit, i was still sick/on antibiotics and a bunch of other stuff…i was very close to not making it, and my parents wanted to go have me baptized at the local catholic church, and the priest wouldnt do it. this is why im not a “true” catholic and also may explain why i am who i am(whatever that means)

…oh, and in 12th grade as per my APpsych class we visited the NICU, where when i walked in, the docter who performed the spinal on me, whom i had not seen since the spinal tap reckognized me and was likeyou dont know me, but i remember you. she was probably the coolest person i have ever met. she is an incredible little indian woman whomi owe my life to. I actually have to say anyone born at and taken care of at Lancaster General Hospital since 1983 owes their life to her.

…good luck with your baby man. i hope for the best. he looks like a tough little guy.

yeah they were talking of doing that to him also! But by luck we have avoided that road

I believe in karma, so I think that after all this shit that life is dealing you, you’ll start getting some good out of it. Hang in there. Get better little guy! :frowning:

sorry to hear that…your baby is adorable though!!

I get 3-4 cases a week with Infants/ pediatrics with RotoVirus… unfortunatley dehydrated kids are the worst to start IV’s on… I feel for ya man… I dont’ know if i could do it on my own kid. I have a hard enough time starting them on other ppl children… Best thing for the kido is to rehydrate him… if you have a scale at home and you apt enough just weigh his diapers and keep an accurate record of is Intake and Output… To know he is healthy his intake should about equal his output. Lots of infants suffer from Gastric Relfux as well so make sure you pediatrician keeps an eye for that. Hope he is better… most kids are in the hospital 3 days tops with dehydration . Hope he is home soon

Yeah he see’s his Doc at Noon today, I hate to say it but He may be going back in. He’s still not holding anything down for us.

I dont think its the RotaVirus because he’s doesn’t have Diarrhea. He actually isn’t doing any of that eccept his fewer than normal wetting. So I’ll have to see what this doc says

late on the edit… RotaVirus… Change his formula or anything new diet wise?

last month he was switched to Lipil cause of a milk allergy

Im sure Mom and You are observant of your kiddo…sounds like your watching him closely and that is the best thing you can do… watch his weight and intake… any changes… let the Pediatrician know… hopefully he turns around and starts taking po intake and gets better… ! Prob not the formula if he has been on it for a month before having problems… smelly stools?

:frowning: Poor Lil man was Addmitted into Childrens like I thought!, Rotavirus tests came back Negative. So I’m hoping that this is just a REALLY bad case of GER “Not GERD” When I left “Have to work today” they were going to test his vomit cause they thought it may have Blood in it.

Man Oh Man, I dont care how much of a Man I am, I just want to cry. I feel so bad for him and Just dont know what else to do for him!

I just Prey and Hope a;ll you’s do the same that this is something that will just pass and not cause him any damage.

Damn that sucks…Ur son is a cutie. i love babies…they are awsome. I dont see why they would go threw his head for an IV though…why didint they go threw his tibia?

damn man.
best of luck to you and your family.
that’s not something I would wish on anybody.

Definatly a shitty way to spend easter. Such a cute looking kid to, and in a terrible situation. :frowning:

It’s okay to cry when somebody with your blood is going through tough times…just don’t ask for a guy’s shoulder to cry on…

You and your family will be in my thoughts, and I hope he gets back to 100% soon!

awww hope he gets better.

your son is def. cute :slight_smile: poor guy.

Okay dont have me explain it to much but He was admitted again into Childrens this time and they did surgery on him. Turned out he had some thing called “Pyloric Stanosis” Not to sure how it’s spelled but it has to do with a Muscle that wasnt lettin food to digest like it was suppose to and it wasnt going anywheres but Up. So I just got home cause he just got of surgery at 9:pm. So hopefully tomorrow is a more less stressfull day for him! I wont be able to sleep tonight though cause I’m just such a wreck with all that life is dealing me right now! But thanks to all that care and reading my heads up with this situation!

Best of luck!

Wow, I can’t beleave what a New kid I have here. Besides the Basic crabbyness, He’s like a whole new child and I luv it!