so i bought a new car

agreed…im actually used to other GMs that still have it on the turn signal stalk, but just layed out a little differntly.

when i have the trip minder set on a different screan, i dont have a problem, but ive never had a car that told me i was going EXACTLY 43 mph in really big number, rather than ‘about halfway between 40 and 45’…i guess it kinda entertains me lol

yeah i can see other subtle things that show it was desinged to be a right hand drive car, such at how the buttons on the radio are layed out, the e-brake, and it would seem as if the window controlls and the cupholders would be reversed for a left hand drive.i find it amusing to discover these little thigns as well

my latest ‘problem’ has been with the key locking and unlocking the car. the first day or so i had the car, it would always beep at me once when i locked it, and once when i unlocked it, and i could hit the unlock button once to unlock just the drivers door, and twice for both doors.

now, sometimes it beeps at me 6 times when i lock it, and 4 when i unlock it and i cant get it unlock the passenger door unless i get in the car and physically reach over and unlock it. im thinking this is just a programing thing, and i plan on taking it to the Pontiac dealer on monday to have it checked out.

and tomorrow i am cleaning out my garage for sure so i can put the car in there…when i went outside at 7:30 this morning to go to work, and i had to scrape snow and ice off the car, i really wasnt feeling it lol. the heater works damn good though :tup: