so i bought a new car

exactly what i am thinking. deffinitely needs an exhaust though…its too quiet right now hehe

meh so i go to vette meets selling iced geritol out of my cooler. i didn’t see you complaning about the awsome discount i got you on that case you ordered.

:tup: good for you. Dont be stupid, take it easy for a while till you get used to the car.

Yah, but Vette owners are usually old and assholes. You are just one of them… lol

haa haaa…one of those indestructable motors

They are the ones who are the ball lickers!

When you go from an automagic truck to a 6speed LS1 its always exciting. Especially when the deal is put right in front of you at the dealership you work at. Since the payments didnt change and for you its a big step up i can see that the decision was very easy for you. Good move and have fun.

I wish i could do the same thing!

… a rear suspension design that isn’t a century old.

century old suspension tech hasnt been used for 70 years :stuck_out_tongue:

ya our rear suspension sucks :tdown:

in other news, who has broken a half shaft today?


stenod performance twin t6 t88 408…do it, do it, or DIEEEEIEIEIEIEIE

How them corners treatin ya? :wink:

not bad not bad :wink: doesnt take IRS to have a car thats fun in the corners. a solid axle suspended accordingly can get the job done…and its not made of glass. not mocking IRS, obviously they are well designed, just defending solid rears from soemone who prolly doesnt have experience with what hes talking about

Oh I know they can be fun, beating on rental Mustangs and driving other’s Fbody’s at the track (with corners) can be a lot of fun. As can LS1 Fbody’s in the rain, I had a blast in one for about an hour last summer. Would’ve been nice if it actually had 2nd gear though…

Oh ha ha…

Anyway nice buy. If I went to dunville and did it I’m sure your capable too.

You mean the “old” 'Vette is actually faster than the “new” GTO? :gotme: Damn, I’ve been hiding from these guys for years now.

Well, Fuck you very much! :2fingers:

Your reading comprehension sucks. Read “usually”. lol

thanks for all the compliments guys! i picked up the car this morning, and have been driving it all day. so far, heres my list of dislikes (and i know this is being VERY particular, because overall i really like the car):

-skip shift
-cruse control is taking some getting used to
-im finding myself relying more in the digital speedometer than the actual gauge because the gauge seems a little hard to read
-skip shift
-if they put the ebrake on the other side of the console, it would be nice
-the HUGE key
-this thing called SKIP SHIFT
-i keep baning my head on the A-Pillar when i get out
-oh, did i mention the skip shift?

i still havent gotten pics of it, but maybe over the weekend.