So i changed my door panels around... ***56K warning!***

So i was looking through some forums and can across a DIY how to remove the carpet from the door panels, but it never talked about adding anything back on… so it inspired me to do just that!

I went over to the storage unit, and removed my door panels, thanks to the FSM it was easy.

The carpet was next and that was super easy.
For the guys who want to remove their carpet just get a blow dryer and a flat-head screw driver. Heat a corner up, stick the screw driver in the seem (sp) and un-wedge a corner out (seems aren’t really glued down). Next you heat and pull the carpet slowly. Five minutes an it is out.

Next I went out to CT and picked up spray glue and went to fabric land for grey vinyl.

Now the project:
I have never worked with vinyl before in my life, i have used the spray glue before but that is it, all constructive criticism is welcome

Tools used

Taped around the work area

Sprayed glue on the door panel and let is sit for 5 mins to let it get nice and tacky

Next I sprayed glue on the back of the vinyl and let that get tacky, then I laid the vinyl out and heated then pulled and heated and pulled to get it to stretch into form (very hard). I got very carried away in my work that I forgot to take picture of this process, by the time i remembered about the pics i was tucking some of the vinyl into the seems.

Tucking vinyl into the seems, I used the first non-sharp plastic object i could find to tuck in the vinyl (shoehorn)

Once all the vinyl was tucked i cut a piece out of the seems to see how hard it would be, then left it to dry over night

This morning I figured it would be best to cut the vinyl outside the seem so I wouldn’t go too deep and damage the stock vinyl

Lastly I re-heated the vinyl, re-applied a little glue around the seems an pulled and tucked, then i cut the heads off a butch on zip ties and jammed then in the seems to hold the vinyl down. It is now drying and here is how it looks

Thats is my latest project.
Hope you guys like it.

Tell me what you think!

For those who have worked with vinyl, based on the pics, do you have any suggestion for me before I do my other door and glove box? and tricks of the trade?


It looks good

thats pretty hot i have lots of spare panels allready de-carpeted maybe ill do that

when will u be taking out the zipt ties to get the final result? i would like to see a picture of that and a picture of in ur car?

good job i think there arent many creases


lose the red and if possible smooth that out somehow!

yeah lose the red zipties and use this:

the zipties are only there untill tonight/tomorrow when the glue dries.

Being my first time with vinyl I tried to smooth it out as much and possible, it’s like i pull one way and it stretches too much and then the vinyl becomes too loose. I don’t really know how the vinyl reacts… know what i mean?

What i really need is proper glue, i and using regular spray glue. If anyone knows a fabric/vinyl glue and where to get it pleas tell me.

I can easily remove the vinyl later and re do it.

honestly, the door panels look better without any skins at all… IMO.

Try “3M super trim adhesive”. It’s pretty expensive but it’s great for vinyl, carpeting speaker boxes and stuff.

Try finding lower grade vinyl. The cheaper it is the thinner and more shapable it’ll be. I used Marine grade vinyl on some speaker enclosures once and it looked like ass since the vinyl was soo bloody thick.

Use a rubber spatula or something to push out those creases once the vinyl is set…kinda like if you were removing the bubbles from window tint.

As for doing the trim buy that black foam stuff they use for holding screening into doors. get a bunch of super glue to go with that. The glovebox imo was farrrr easyer than the doorskins. just take the glovebox out and remove all the screws around the outside edge and it will split into two peices…get rid of the little handle and i think theres a lock…i havent looked in a while. Stretch ur fabric over it after laying the glue, i taped it so it wouldnt come back off then put the two peices back together simple. My doors turned out shitty with enuff creases cuz i couldnt find 8 way stretchable vinal. I have to re-do that job sumtime…its sucha hastle…verry kool :thumleft:

That was my problem, and i couldn’t figure out how to make the vinyl i had stretch 8 ways… lol

I’ll take off the zip ties, clean up any extra glue, and take another pic tomorrow.

Nice man,

Haha ya I also Liked it with nothing on them at all