Vinyl letter embossing

Ok, this is one of many DIY threads ill be making over winter. i have a 87 5.0 Mustang im redoing the whole interior and system on so as i progress ill make DIY threads. this one is a quickie on how to do raised lettring in vinyl. theres a bunch of pics missing and whatever but im doing door panels tonight and ill make sure to coever everything in depth and make a better video of it. in this application i put the Rockford Fosgate logo on a beauty panel that goes on the hatch beneath the glass.


spray adhesive (helmeprene is the chemical you want you can use 3m super 77 or headliner spray)
Vinyl (something with a good stretch)
A hook pick tool
Razor blade or Exacto knife
3m scotchbrite scuff pad
Wax and grease remover
Heat gun or hair dryer

Step 1:
Take the scotchbrite and scuff the whole panel down after its all scuffed wipe it down wuth the W&G remover and set the panel aside.

Step 2:
Print up whatever image or text you want to emboss and the spray its backside with the adhesive. Next spray a piece of vinyl with the adhesive. make sure to do a couple thin coats and not let it get runny or blotchy. In this instance you want to apply the paper to the vinyl while the adhesive is still wet. Give it a few seconds to tack up and then move on to the next step.

Step 3:
Cut out the image with a pair of scissors. If there are sharp corners or inner circles you need to cut (I.E. the inside of an “A”) use your exacto or razor to do this.

Step 4/5:
Arange the image on the panel the way you want it to look when its finished. Mark it with a sharpie in corners or whatever suits you so youll know where to put it after you spray its with the adhesive. Spray the panel with light even coats of the adhesive and then spray the backs of your vinyl image. WAIT FOR IT TO FEEL AS IF ITS ALMOST DRY!!! This is very important otherwise it may not adhere correctly. Now place the images in the desired location and rub them to ensure proper adhesion.

Step 6:
Cut a piece of vinyl big enopugh to cover the panel and hang off about 3 inchs all the way around. Spray the back of the vinyl and the whole panel with the adhesive. Wait for it to almost dry again and place it on the panel. If the panel is large have a frieind help you get it perfectly aligned because once it touches that shit is not coming off pretty.

Step 7: Take your heat gun or hair dryer and apply some heat to the area where the lettering or image is. Dont get it too hot or it will mess up the vinyl. Just get it warm enough so that it is pliable. Its probably a good idea to practice on some scraps till you feel like you know how much heat to use.

Step 8: After its all nice and warm, starting from the center and working to the edges, rub the image with your fingers to get most of the image to appear.

Step 9: Take your pick tool and use the round edge to work in the edged of the image to give it more definition. You can use some heat here too if needed.

Step 10: Flip the panel upside down and bring the excess over the edge and stick it to the inside/backside of the panel and trim as neccasary with your razor.

Step 11: Flip it over wipe it down with some vinyl cleaner and have a beer or whatever because youre done.

that looks nice.

looks good, but white vinyl looks so getto

not too piss in your cherrios… but … you should have used dynamat instead of vinyl…

cause once it warms up (temp) … you will barely notice its there

eh ive had raised lettering in my car all summer and nothing happened, besides its easier to cut vinyl than it is to cut dynamat. plus the edges of dynamat are soft and squisy so you cant get a good definition.

If you say sooo … but ive been doing this shit for about 13 years now … it’s just some constuctive critisism(sp?)

not saying i wont try it more and i know youve been doing this, thats just how i did it. im just not comfortable working with the dynamat.

step eleven made me laugh

looks good, not bad :tup:

heres a better vid of the embossing, ill make a thread with the door panel build later. this is just another quick peak.

white vinyl FTL.

looks cool though.

what wrong with white vinyl? dirty factor?

heres a finished(kinda) door panel

white vinyl reminds me of shitty boats from the 80s. Alcantara FTW

Nice pink background. And +1 for white vinyl reminds me of 80’s boats.

pink background? lol on the 80s boats thing. its marine vinyl too…

Vinyl works fine, I never had a problem with it. Theres tons of different materials you can use, Plastics, wood, cardboard, ect… there is no “right” way.

NO…but there are better ways

its only better if the end result is differant. n this case i put out a better quality product using vinyl. if i can get the same results as someone who uses a differant material whats the differance? its still done. its done “right” and it will perform as well as any other. like i said its all preferance, im comfortable with using vinyl and BDR likes dynamat. cant see whats used underneath anyways.

Good write-up. The vids are a great touch too. :tup:

Thanks! I appreciate it!