So, I get a Call today...

That was a tought time for me. Much like our friend Al H. here I thought I was the bees knees but i was not. I thought i was a badass when my motorcycle was only a 250. I found salvation after that in scientology.

Check out the link in my signature. Its not to late for you either


:rofl :rofl this thread is full of win^

OP: yea mod problems FTL I have also noticed this, alot:Idiots

If the “shit” is the “fake celebs” I, Shift518_Dr.Phil aka KrazyKid and sorry for starting the chain of nutt swingers, Oprah and TC… But I hope you will notice that even with my attempt at humor, the replies back to other members were mostly serious attempts to defuse the situation.

If the “shit” is the moderation events that have been taking place, and have ruffled the feathers of many shift 518 members. Thank you.


Ban Tom Cruise

I dont see any problem with it, 18Xposts added to the site via this thread rather than 10-20 that would have normally been in here…

The fake celebrities was stupid IMO. You know it’s members trying to bring humor. Stupid if you ask me.

If you did it youd think it was hilarious… Dont hate!

:rofl OMFG

And we can almost guarantee this new racist member is Travis. His post style is very distinct.

And he quoted himself :lol

Usually pretty easy to figure out whos who

OP dates a high school girl and her high school personality/attitude rubs off on him, hence the post/acting childish/like a tool non-stop. :lol

Some people are 17 going on 21, and some are 17 going on 13. Choose your friends (and girlfriends) wisely, kids.

Go bust a nut will ya

this thread is nuts :lol

U RACIST!! :lmao

ahhh the Alabamawindchime himself…

AlabamaWindChime made me laugh out loud.

i thought it was failvis? :rofl