So I got arrested

ugg, Okay so I called the PD Dept. And plead my case on these plates they took from the repo so i can prove myself in court. They stated on the police report that it states that it was left with the owner “me”. I was Like NOOOOOOOOOO, The truck was suspended for insurance lapse and i never turned them in and when it got repoed i asked the cop to remove them and take them in for me being they had to be turned in anyways. I also asked if this is the case how did I get a form before stating That they had them, They claim it was a error on they’re part and If i lost the form its my own fault. I KNOW FOR SURE they took them, And Even on the Repo form it states that they were not included with the repo. So pretty much Im fucked on proving that the suspention was a mistake.

Also with talking with mu boss I Could have been really fucked cause I had a retractable billy club on me which i guess is a felony. “I had it for work since i dont have my gun permit yet” The cop told me it was illegal and he’s not charging me with it But he is puttin it in on the police report and I cant have it back unless I show proof Im able to carry it “Which i didnt know Ya needed a license for that either. Would have been nice if the police supply store i got it from would have told me this” So I guess Im lucky with that, But I am really thinking the worst on these two charges i got.

But I guess thats gonna give me ample time to do a Prodject car for a few years.

So when i go to court for the first time on the 25th, Should I get a Public defender to be there with me, Or pretty much is this just the plead date? I havent been to court to much to know how this works. And the only charges I’ve ever had before were herrasment and obstruction which they were boggus charges and they were thrown out.