So i passed out cold last night...

First time thats ever really happened (unless you count the post-initiation PSK party, but i was still awake enough for most of the nite to be able to puke out the 3rd story window and let the people that were Nairing my leg know that I knew what they were doing. This time, old freaking cold. No recollection of how i ended up sleeping on the couch. 8 Yuengling B&T’s, 4-5 Miller Lite cans, shot of Captain Mo, and 3-4 stiff ass Grey Goose screwdrivers. People told me that i passed out sitting up on the couch. After a wallet and anus check, it was time to call a cab home, and I narrowly avoided having to pay a $150 car sick charge. :doh:

Now i remember why alcohol is not my substance of choice. :hs:

light weight!!! :zzz:



yeah, im really not that much of a drinker…

but 20+ drinks in 5 hours != lightweight

For your weight, you’re a light weight. :finger:



i woke up @ 6am in a parking lot of a hospital behind a bush one nite in DC… it took me a day to remember how i got there.