So I ran a 10.90

thats some seriously thin metal to be used as a mount… i’m sure adam could make you a new piece cheaper and stronger

That mount looks pretty weak to me as well… FWIW my trans mount is a 3/4" thick piece of Aluminum. That diff mount looks to be 1/4" at most :Idiots

i wouldn’t use this fucking thing to hang my exhaust! Shady WTF were you thinking buying this??!?!?!?!

i have one on my z and it is still holding up but i am going to do something so it does not do what shadys did if it breaks

I would replace the aluminum angle piece with a steel one. And maybe weld small reinforcement.

thats probably what i will do but that wont be till winter. the z sits in the garage without a radiator at the moment

there were no failures known when i bought it… people were making some decent numbers with it…

Ill be getting a stock mount and using plates and welding it solid as the stock mount has a failsafe in it in case something like this does happen

good call. shit looks like an exhaust hanger. lol :lol

chinsy as fuck!

From the looks of it, my lawn mower probably has more than enough torque to mangle that diff mount:rofl

obviously! cuz your mower makes your power than his 300 did! :haha

Someone failed their engineering degree pretty bad with this piece. That piece of angle has zero chance of sustaining the torque load applied to it, ESPECIALLY some double gauge welded aluminum.

Bring me that entire piece of shit(for measurements) I’ll make you something that will not twist like that pretzel.

You didn’t happen to use some fancy aftermarket starter mount did ya?!?!?:ponder:rofl


oh shit sonnnnnnnnnnnnnn shady u got some vtac pro parts off ebay didnt ya !

Haha thanks for the offer…

I just got a call from Jason, the guy who runs Z31Performance and he gave me the low down on the mount and whats going on basicly, hes sending me a new mount, same design but thicker and made out of steel to replace the aluminum mount.

Hes also redesigned a new one in a cage type fashion like the stock mounts as a fail safe, so even if the acctual mount/contact points from the chassis to the back of the diff broke the diff has something to fall onto and keep it held up to prevent damage to the diff and rear end along with being able to limp it carefully if needed.

Anyways hes a nice guy not an engineer, it was whoever acctualy makes the mount, hes just the guy with the ideas and the funding to do it for our small community.

Anyways it was nice of him to call me instead of just throw me an e-mail