So I took a poop...

and the toilet won’t flush! =(

Like, I pull the handle down, and it does nothing.

I’m like… pretty badly sick, so this is not a good time to leave that kinda shit in the toilet, lol.
Girlfriend is coming here when she gets out of work and she’s going to fucking shoot me lol.

I fucking hate lifting up the lid on the toilet.
Like that back part of it, I don’t know why… it just creeps me the mother fuck out.

Fucking ehow save me :expressionless:


check the chain that attaches the handle to the flapper, and yes youre going to have to take the lid off the back.

dump a large bucket of water down it. should work and you dont have to touch the back.

lol just lift up the lid, there aren’t any monsters in there. If you don’t hear water running constantly then the chain that lifts the flapper when you push the handle came off.

side story, when i was really young i was afraid of that part of the toilet too, but i thought that the poop was stored there.

pirite beat me to it :frowning:

The back is all clean water silly. But yeah just dump a couple gallons of clean water into the bowl and it’ll disappear. I’d rather lift the tank cover off and reach into clean water to pull the chain than to open up the toilet and see my nasty shit again.

Lol thanks for making me feel better ;p
I just don’t like that big black ball thing.
Don’t know why :\

I’ll go try :X

well, i guess big black things can be quite intimidating.

Meh, lots of fail I had.

It appears instead of a chain, I have a straight piece of rod, that’s threaded.
last few threads have some red goop on it… looks like locktite lol.

tried threading it back in to the black plunger, but it wouldn’t thread back in.
threads looked pretty non existent anyway.
sooo i guess it’s a call to the landlord.
or maybe ill glue it back in… :\

thanks guys <3
nyspeed saves the day again.

and there was no big black bobber thing!
I was pretty happy when I saw that.
However I did see about 40 years of shit and grime (literally, my whole bathroom is from the 70s… looks straight out of that 70s show)
whoever said it’s clean water was wrongggg. my shit water looks cleaner than the tank water! :\

Are you a fucking girl? Srsly just re attatxh the handle. Fuck

Just reach down into the tank and pull the plunger up. The water isn’t dirty, the inside of the tank is probably just stained.

Man up already and get rid of the poo stew!

tank rebuild kit for $25. and dont worry about it for another 10 years.

seriously? youre struggling with a toilet… one of the simplist machines ever.

Do we have an “all that is not man” thread because this belongs there.

Once someone gets your toilet working please flush your man card.


agreed. I would follow this up with fry not finishing the smoker thread…lol

or just call jeg, he seems to love the shit :shithitfan:

I hope poop leaks onto your floor. That would complete your manhood fail

at least you didnt shit on your own wallet.

If you’re that afraid of the water up in the top tank I will come take an upper decker to REALLY give you a reason to fear it.

holy crap man! its not that hard or scary… if you dont have that fixed by the time your gf gets there she has a reason to be angry.

hell I bet she can fix it

rebuild kits are $5 at home depot go buy one. But regardless you still can make it flush with out it.

For those of you who obviously fail to read, it’s broken and the landlord is going to fix it :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s quite difficult for me to reattach a threaded rod, with no threads any longer, in to a plunger… which more than likely has no threads remaining either.