So I want to pick up a used 35mm SLR

And was wondering if anyone happened to know of one that used to be considered a good one that is reliable. Or if anyone has any recomendations on a film based SLR that would be good for getting back into photography with.

Pentax SLRs are great, i have one that is over 25 years old and works like a charm still, but thats the only company ive experienced with , for 35mm anyway

I’ve got like a 30 year old Nikon. Works great, and has never failed me.

I just threw out a Pentax SLR … nobody wanted to buy it

digital or no?

I have like a 20 year old konica with a seized shutter and a 200mm zoom that ill let go to you for cheap


I just threw out a Pentax SLR … nobody wanted to buy it


Threw out? Should have given it away then…


digital or no?

I have like a 20 year old konica with a seized shutter and a 200mm zoom that ill let go to you for cheap


Film only, any idea what the deal with the shutter is? And how cheap is cheap?