SLR camera question

OK looking to buy a camera, only looking to spend around $500. I’m looking the Canon Rebel XS

and this Nikon

I dont know shit about these, are they good? junk? just trying to get a little info before I make a purchase. Thanks.

I have a Nikon D40. Got it at best buy about 2 years back for $500. The D40 is a step under the D3000.
I love my D40, its a great camera, and I have 2 lenses for it, along with a fisheye attachment. Even at 6.1 mega pixels, its more than enough for me.

My Dad got the D3000 after I got my D40 and he loves it also. It has a self cleaning image sensor, so you don’t have to get in there and wipe anything off.
For the price, you can’t go wrong with the D3000. Great entry leve DLSR.

Unfortunately I can’t vouch for anything about the Canons.

ok thanks, have you had any problems with it?

Not in the least bit. Everything has worked perfect. I got a 8 gig SD card in it and it holds about 2k pics at 6.1 mega pixel in JPEG format.

I <3 Canon. I have a 7D and XSi. You can prolly find a used XSi in that price range easily.

Agree with Cosey. Look for a used camera with the starter kit man.

I only want to buy a used camera if its off somebody I met, or that other people I know can vouch for

Eh…you can still get screwed over. I say look for a good deal and do some research on said store/vendor.

I bought a car from a ‘good friend’ that I ended up not being able to pass inspection with (friend was from MA). When I told him, he agreed to ‘trade back’ when I get the NYS title. Long story short, he’s not my friend and I lost $2k when I was 16 because I had to sell the car at the auction or spend $2k fixing CEL’s and such.

I highly recommend Canon, otherwise everyone is going to know that you have a small penis.
