So i was going to sneak into the US for my gallbladder surgery....

but then i saw doctor’s killed a Murtha…

would have been better to wait a bit and have it in Canada… :slight_smile:

floodgates… ouvre

Doctors in america can be awful, my grandfather was murdered by one.
He just had a fucking stroke and was on blood thinners, when they decided he needed “emergency gualbladder surgery”

Anything with your gualbladder isnt emergency, not right after a stroke read as “retired war vet has great insurance lets pad our pockets”

Went in, sliced his liver and knicked his aaorda, threw a staple in his liver and sewed him back up. he bled to death in recovery.

Motherfuck Degraf hospitol and all the hacks who work there.

Great. The party that needs a super duper majority to get anything done just lost another one? So much for change now.

I’m really surprised how many negative things CNN put in his obit. Normally all they talk about is how great a person was.

Jesus. karter that’s horrible

I think its time to put our tin hats on. I bet it was a hit:tinfoilhat:

On a side note I almost had to have my gallblader removed. My doctor recomended it and said I should talk to a surgeon. Met with said surgeon and he suggested that at my age I go to hell and forget about having my gallbladder removed. instead he recomended that I lay off fast food and other greasy foods. I did and I still have all my tidbits. :smiley:

On a side note, does CNN seem to be morphing into another Faux News?

unapproved some stuff in here in case JK is serious in which case lets not get into anything that involves dead family members…

the only dead people we can discuss in jest is people we don’t know… like Murtha :slight_smile:

murtha sounds like a disease you could get, or a knockoff DMX album…

wtf is a gualbladder?

Good guy, didnt agree with some of his political positions but he had balls. Sorry to see him go.