So i Wrote to the a Rep of PA Transportation

that doesn’t mean a thing. State Inspection stations are not required to deal with tint anymore. My dad does this for a living and has the info and was also told so by the trooper that inspects his tools. Its up to police to enforce the law not the state inspection.

Shelby. Ur not gonna make a difference so don’t even wast ur time. Man up and deal with it like everyone else. You want tint then you gotta deal with the consequnces that go with it. I have it, i know i could get pulled for it but i’mma keep it anyway and pay the stupid ass fine it i get it cause i don’t give a fuck. I hardly drive with my windows up anyway and i don’t drive the SS in the cold,


see the only thing that pisses me off is that local depts seem to all have “their own” Law… Most places around where i live say that as long as the front 2 and windshield are not tinted your fine, yet mt lebanon begs to differ…

Seriously, if they want it to be a set law wouldnt it be smart to stop it at the state inspection. and you just cant get your car inspected with tint on it…

that letter is a fucking joke just like the person who wrote it. O yeah I have tint on my windows no one bothers me it might be because Im friends with alot of them :mullet:

would you like a cookie

hmm… drop it

i differ speaking from dads experience, he’s not a freakin cop and he shouldn’t have to deal with that issue. there is better things for inspectors to do than flunk cars for tint, stuff hanging from rear view and licence plate frames. he and i’m sure others don’t have time to argue this with people, aparently the cops do so let them have it.

no I want u to go away

I think you should send it, revised of course. No, your not going to get the law changed or get the Mt. Lebanon officers to change their ways but you have to voice your opinions to your legistators or you (the people) lose power. This is america and your best power and right is the ability to petition the government.

damn. sounds like im swingin from thomas jefferson’s balls. didnt mean for it to sound like that. you get the idea though

actually the reason he was wrong to begin with is due to you having a TRUCK. It has nothing to do with inspection. They can’t fail window tint on any vehicle unless there is crack in the window or what not. Yes its stupid but thats how it works.

I have posted enough on this subject with hard facts but people still like to cry about it including the updates.

-Its illegal for car to have ANY aftermarket tint on ANY window because the factory windows are already tinted to 73% light admitance ANYTHING you add after puts it below the 70% MINIMUM admitance level.

-Trucks, SUV’s, VANs do not fall into this rule as long as they have at least 19.5 Sq inches of mirror on EACH SIDE of the vehicle and IT CAN ONLY BE TINTED OR TOTALLY BLACKED OUT if its behind the drivers compartment.


you answered your own question. Read the very last line about a registration permit NOT being included in that.

Laws are all about wording…

i got a call today on my answering machine and it was the local region PA rep (Dixen) up in brookline and he told me that it sounds like im in the right. He said he sent it to harrisburg and they want to review it and tell me and him what they think. He said he’ll have a copies of the papers they send back to him within 10 days, but told me that from the looks of it that I am right

Woot Woot! :smiley:

tint was cool in 1998…

seriously… unless you live somewhere where it’s sunny all the time, what’s the fucking point?

your rep is an idiot as well. Its evident that he probably sucked dick to get voted in, had money, or family that pulled strings.

Reading past one subsection, cross referencing, and then actually comprehending does wonders, which it’s evident NIETHER of you are capable of…

It would be nice with a black car that sits in the parking lot all day. Or a remote starter.

wish i had tint during teh summer

black car, black leather, black interior, shit gets hott as fuck in there, it sucks